Affiliated Political Fund Making our voice heard in the Labour Party The Affiliated Political Fund has welcomed many of the measures brought in by the Labour government, like the Scottish Parliament, the minimum wage and the extra funds for health and education. But we also know that even with a Labour government our union needs to fight for the policies its members need. We are not happy with the continued use of the Private Finance Initiative, the consequences of Best Value in the hands of some authorities, and the continuing tightening of local government budgets. We are particularly concerned when leading Labour councillors start talking about the enabling council, which implies the wholesale externalisation of services; and when ministers are encouraging wholesale transfer of council housing from the councils. Locally your APF Committee has been pursuing these issues vigorously through its delegations at Labour Constituency level . A series of motions on Best Value, PFI, Edinburgh 2000 and Voluntary Competitive Tendering has convinced an increasing number of Labour Party members of our views. We also played a full part in the nomination process for prospective Scottish Parliament candidates, and used that process to raise these same issues. We are winning the main arguments with ordinary Labour Party members in Edinburgh and need now to carry this through to ensure that ministers and councillors also hear the arguments and understand the consequences of the unpopularity of these policies, while continuing to support the good things the Labour Party is doing in office. We look forward to the 1999 council and parliament Matthew Crighton |
Matthew Crighton APF Officer |
Welfare Don't be an ostrich Once again we've reached the time of year when this report is due. It seems to come around far too quickly, or is this just another of those signs of old age. Gillian and I would like to start this report by apologising to any members who may have found it difficult to contact us in the last 12 months. The Welfare Fund for an 8 month period was operated mostly by myself as Gillian was on maternity leave and as I am only available on a part-time basis, this was not an ideal situation, we know! However Gillian is now back full time and things are once again ticking over nicely. Applications to the fund this year were fewer, but the severity of a large number took a great deal of time and thought to sort out. We would like to take this opportunity to ask any member, who needs to approach the Welfare that to do so sooner rather than later is always the best way. Adopting the ostrich position only creates problems on top of problems and things are easier dealt with at the outset. We wish all our members good health and prosperity for 1999, and remember if you do require financial help or advice don't be an ostrich. Gillian Allan, Julie Harris |
Julie Harris Gillian Allan Joint Welfare Officers |
Retired Members Sadly, Bert Laver, Retired Members Secretary for the last 14 years died on Sunday 28 February 1999. Below is Bert's last Annual Report written in January 1999. An appreciation Towards the millennium With the reorganisation of local government and the merging of the branches, the Retired Members Section continues to attract new members from what used to be different unions and we are all meeting under the leadership of UNISON, which has given all of us a desire to work together, at the same time enjoying to the full the friendship and support of one another. The attendance at section meetings has maintained at 62%, the figure for the past three years. During the year there were nine committee meetings and 10 section meetings. The meeting attracting the largest attendance was "Sleeping around Scotland" by Miss L Alexander, who is a Hotel Inspector. The membership stands at 706 (402 female, 304 male) including 33 associated members. It is with regret that we record the deaths of the following members in 1998. Mr I Dunn, Mr J Bonnar, Mrs B McLaren, Ms M Lister and Miss M McDonald. We were also advised of the death of Mr C Allan who died during 1995. Social Activities When compiling the syllabus for the year, various speakers are selected. Their subjects are always interesting, and there is the occasional speaker who ensures that we all can have a good laugh. Their presence enhances the meetings and we record our thanks. We still enjoy the comforts of St Ann's Community Centre for our meetings and the Hall Caretaker always ensures that everything is in order, especially the morning coffee/tea break.We are indebted to the Branch for paying for this and the hall. Throughout the session there are many social activities and outings arranged by Mrs Hilda McCoy and her assistants. Our summer outing was to Loch Earn with a sail on the "Sir Walter Scott". The day was bright and sunny with a cool breeze. One drawback, the "Scottish Midges" were out for the day as well, much to the annoyance of some of the section especially our Social Convenor. Bowling: The interbranch bowling match was played at Balgreen on 1 September. We received a letter of thanks from UNISON Retired Members committee for organising the tournament which was judged to be an outstanding success. Other features were our usual visit to the Tattoo rehearsal on 6 August, the Pirates of Penzance and a repeat visit to the Breadalbane Arms Hotel, Aberfeldy for our Christmas lunch. Conference Our President, Mr Charles McRobb and Mr George Murdoch represented the section at the Retired Members Annual Conference, held in Blackpool on 13/14 October. The following report was compiled by Charles:- Tuesday afternoon: I attended a workshop titled "Welfare and Fund Raising". The main objective was to obtain ideas to raise funds to support Welfare in UNISON. For example should we appeal from all sections of UNISON for covenanted donations or bequests or a National Welfare Day? Consideration will also be given to advertising on television as soon as possible because of the unhealthy state of the Fund. It should be noted that UNISON has a full time fund raiser based at UNISON's head office. Branches are asked to discuss with retired members their experiences of fund raising and to pass any useful suggestions to the fund raiser. The main conference on 14 October was attended by about 300 delegates and observers, with Alison Shepherd the presiding officer. Twenty three motions, were submitted by branches along with one emergency motion re Finance of Retired Members. Most of the movers spoke with great enthusiasm on their subject. Those who opposed the motions spoke equally well creating a most interesting conference. 21 motions were unanimously supported, one being lost re Anti Rabies Quarantine. Motions 14-16 were concerned with the closure of Cyprus Lodge Convalescent Home at St Annes-on-Sea. Delegates protested very strongly to the welfare management board decision to close the home without first contacting the membership of UNISON. The reason for their decision was that £250,000 was required to upgrade the building to meet regulations, which UNISON could not afford. The property is now for sale. The other two convalescent homes, Knole Lodge and White Rose Lodge, continue to operate and are always available for the use of Retired members. Financing of Retired Members As retired members do not contribute by annual subscription and in view of the membership increase to 106.000, it was suggested that UNISON may have to reconsider the future funding of retired members. The cost of maintaining the retired members in 1997 was £59,111. A current one-off subscription of £10 is charged and paid into local branch funds. Conference took the view that an annual subscription is the only way ahead and therefore asked the National Executive Committee to begin work on establishing an appropriate figure. This or any other decision would require a rule change to a future Delegates Conference. On the evening of 13 October all delegates were cordially invited to an evening of light entertainment followed by a dance. Most delegates attended all having a most enjoyable evening. Thanks: An appreciation of all the work involved by the staff at St Giles Street in organising our trip to Blackpool we offer our sincere thanks. We would also like to thank Bert Laver for his good work in this connection. (Charles McRobb, Chairperson). Finally, the section will welcome any UNISON member who is interested in joining after retiring from full or part time employment. An application form can be obtained from the UNISON Office, 23 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh. Tel. 0131 220 5655. When returning the form, a cheque for £10, made out to UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch will ensure life membership. Bert Laver |
Bert Laver Retired Members Secretary |