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UNISON City of Edinburgh
Local Government and Related Sectors Branch
Constitution, Rules and Standing Orders
As revised by the 1999 Annual General Meeting

Page 3 Sections E and F

Rules Index














































































































































































































































SECTION E. Role of Branch Officers

1. Branch Officers
a) The Branch shall elect Branch Officers annually in terms of Branch Standing Orders 4(6) “Election of Branch Officers”, and 19, 20 and 21, “Elections”.
b) The procedure for nomination and election will be that contained in Standing Orders 4, 19, 20 and 21 with the exception of the APF officer who shall be elected by APF members only subject to Branch Rule E.20 APF Officer.

2. Role of Branch President
1.The role of the Branch President reflects elements of the role of the union’s national president, as well as a more hands on branch role. The post is geared towards an experienced branch activist who can provide the advice, leadership and continuity required by a large branch with many activists.

2.The President will
a) Chair Branch General Meetings, liaising with the Branch Chairperson and fulfiling all the roles connected with these meetings as outlined under the Role of Branch Chairperson in A3.2 below.
b) Represent the branch on official occasions.
c) Oversee the work of the branch, providing advice and direction as required.
d) Maintain a knowledge of UNISON’s rules and procedures nationally and locally and provide opinion on these as required.
e) Maintain a knowledge of service conditions matters and advise on these as required.
f) Act as an arbiter in terms of internal disputes or disagreements, except where branch procedures state otherwise
g) Act as the ultimate route of appeal on staffing matters in the context of agreements applying to branch employed staff.
h) Take on a negotiating role as and when requested to do so by the Chairperson and Service Conditions team.

3. Role of Branch Chairperson
1. The Branch Chairperson shall chair all meetings of the Branch in the absence of the President and (in liaison with the Branch Vice Chairpersons) shall chair the Branch Committee and other established Committees.
2. He / She shall ensure all meetings are conducted in line with Branch Standing Orders and that all motions / decisions are in accordance with the Policies of the Union.
3. He / She shall liaise with the Branch Secretary in relation to the convening of meetings and the drafting of agendas.
4. He / She will be a member of and chair the Service Conditions Team and convene regular meetings of the Branch President, Branch Secretary, Service Conditions Coordinator, Conveners and Officers.

4. Role of Vice Chairpersons (2)
To deputise for the President or Chairperson in terms of E.3 paragraphs 1,2 and 3.

5. Role of Branch Secretary
1.Within UNISON rules the remit of the Secretary is defined as;
“4.1. convene and attend all meetings of the Branch and Branch Committee and shall arrange for the minutes and other Branch records to be kept in a proper manner.
4.2 co-operate with the Union’s Head Office in keeping a record of all members’ names, addresses and work groups and in communicating any changes in these matters to the Head Office.
4.3 be responsible for communicating with members and with the Union’s Regional and Head Offices on behalf of the Branch.
4.4 in conjunction with the Branch Committee, ensure that the Branch observes Union Rules.
4.5 at the end of his/her appointment (and at any other time when so required by the General Secretary) deliver to the Branch Chairperson or to such person as the General Secretary may appoint all accounts, financial records and money belonging to the Union.”
2. The above statements are very generalised and should only be considered indicative of the nature of the post.
3. Will convene and attend monthly meetings of the Policy and Finance Committee.
4. Within the City of Edinburgh branch it is considered the role of the Branch Secretary should be one of co-ordinator in addition to those tasks itemised within National Rules.
5. He/She should overview the work of all other Branch Officers ensuring those individuals fulfil the tasks and responsibilities allocated to them. This may involve providing direct assistance in addressing workloads or discussing programmes of work. Liaison should be an ongoing process.
6. He/She should ensure there is an active union organisation in each Department and that the body is representative of those members it represents.
7. He/She should be delegation leader to all other forums of the union or appropriate bodies to which the Branch is affiliated unless he/she or the Branch Committee decide it would be appropriate to appoint that role in a particular delegation to another delegate.
8. The Secretary shall be the Branch spokesperson at all times unless the Secretary or the Branch Committee decide it would be appropriate to delegate a particular matter to another individual. All decisions concerning who should be branch spokesperson on an issue and how that issue is presented to the media should be taken in consultation with the Communications Officer.
9. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring administration of Branch business is carried out timeously and effectively.
It should be stressed the Branch Secretary is leader of a team and should at all times attempt to involve other members of the team.

6. Role of Assistant Branch Secretary
1. To assist and deputise for the Branch Secretary in the aspects of his/her duties contained in E.5 paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8.
2. The Assistant Secretary and the Secretary should work as a team and agree on a regular basis, an efficient allocation of tasks between them

7. Role of Branch Treasurer
1. Within UNISON rules the role of the Branch Treasurer is defined as follows;
“4.3.1 conduct the Branch business and keep accounts in accordance with the rules.
4.3.2 at the end of his/her appointment (and at any other time when required by the General Secretary) deliver to the Branch Chairperson or such person as the General Secretary may appoint all accounts, financial records and money belonging to the union.”
2. These clauses should be viewed as generalist and only indicative of the Treasurer’s pivotal role in all aspects of finance relating to the Branch.
3. Specific aspects to be recognised are;
a) the requirement to provide union representatives with travel and subsistence payments and other appropriate financial assistance (e.g. childcare) when carrying out duties relating to the Branch. These should be linked to those rates applied at Regional level.
b) the requirement to adjudicate in all matters relating to the payment of union subscriptions.
c) the requirement to ensure all bills/invoices are dealt with timeously.
d) the requirement to regularly inform the Branch Committee of the current financial position of the Branch.
e) the requirement to provide assistance to any bona fide individual who by law or rule has the right to examine the Branch's financial records.
f) the requirement to produce estimates for the following years expenditure which should be submitted to the Branch Committee for approval and to monitor individual budget headings.
g) the requirement to ensure the financial records of the Branch are audited at least once yearly.
It must be stressed the above list is indicative rather than exhaustive.

8. Role of Branch Equalities Officer
1. The following are agreed areas of work pertinent to the post;
a) In consultation with Regional Self-Organised Group Committees, support and develop the ongoing development of Branch Self-Organised structures
b) in consultation with branch self organised groups the postholder should initiate and facilitate proposals which would improve the conditions of service for disadvantaged groups.
c) in consultation with branch self organised groups the postholder should participate in the negotiation of and monitor all proposed local agreements to ensure they are nondiscriminatory and lend positive assistance to eradicating existing discrimination.
d) the postholder should continually monitor the application of agreements to ensure they are being applied consistently and in a nondiscriminatory manner.
e) the postholder should be aware of the National policies of the union as they refer to Equality issues and to advise the Branch/Branch Committee on such matters which require Branch action.
f) the postholder should be aware of appropriate legislation and advise the Branch/Branch Committee of any implications.
g) the postholder should highlight Equality issues in the Branch and positively pursue an ongoing publicity/education programme which will raise members awareness of Equality issues.
h) the postholder should proactively assist the creation of self organised groups supporting self identified local members.
i) to provide advice and assistance where required in individual Conditions of Service cases.
j) in consultation with branch self organised groups to develop measures to ensure that members of structurally disadvantaged groups can be empowered and included in the branch and in the workplace.
The above list is indicative rather than exhaustive.
2. This wide ranging remit will require ongoing mutual liaison and information sharing between the postholder and Steward Committees and with other Branch Officers if the Branch is to positively address Equality issues.
3. Will convene and attend monthly meetings of the Equalities Sub Committee
4. The scale of the job also dictates a requirement for the active participation of all members of the Equalities Sub Committee if the Branch is to be proactive in this area of work.
5. All work in this field must be co-ordinated by the Equalities Officer if continuity and consistency is to be applied and positive results are to be forthcoming

9. Role of Health & Safety Convener
1. The following are agreed areas of work pertinent to the post;
a) the postholder should initiate and facilitate proposals which would improve the work environment.
b) the postholder should be aware of the National policies of the union as they relate to Health and Safety issues and to advise the Branch / Branch Committee on such matters which require Branch action.
c) the postholder should be aware of appropriate legislation and advise the Branch / Branch Committee of any implications.
d) the postholder should participate in Branch negotiations on issues of a Health and safety nature.
e) the postholder should highlight Health and Safety issues in the Branch and positively pursue an ongoing education / publicity programme which will raise members awareness of Health and Safety issues.
f) the postholder should provide advice and assistance where required on specific Departmental Health and Safety matters.
The above list is indicative rather than exhaustive.
2. This wide ranging remit will require the postholder to liaise to a high degree with other Branch Officers if the Branch is to positively address Health and Safety issues.
3. Will convene and attend monthly meetings of the Health and Safety Sub Committee
4. The scale of the job also dictates a requirement for the active participation of all members of the Health and Safety Sub Committee if the Branch is to become pro active in this area of work.

10. Role of Branch Service Conditions Coordinator
The Service Conditions Coordinator will be responsible for the provision of a comprehensive service conditions resource for the membership, ensuring full access to representation, guidance and advice.
He/she will be lead officer for the branch on service conditions issues with the employer(s).
In addition to the range of duties outlined for Service conditions Conveners, this postholder’s prime responsibilities will include:
a) Maintaining an overview of service conditions matters
b) Ensuring all relevant officers/stewards are updated on progress in negotiations at all levels of the union
c) Will convene and attend monthly meetings of the Service Conditions Sub Committee
d) will convene and attend monthly meetings of the Service Conditions Team"
e) Maintaining and updating a service conditions information bank and an appropriate filing system for issues/ cases.
f) Preparing strategies for negotiations in liaison with appropriate officers
g) Assisting service conditions team in addressing casework.

11. Role of Branch Service Conditions Conveners (3)
1. The three Conveners will have specific roles in their particular work grouping, i.e. APT & C, Manual, or Craft
Their remit would include;
a) negotiating on behalf of the Branch on appropriate Conditions of Service issues.
b) representing individuals/groups in relation to local claims, disciplines or the pursuance of grievances in liaison with local representatives.
c) initiating and facilitating proposals for improvements to conditions of service.
d) monitor application of agreements to ensure consistency and proper interpretation.
e) awareness of appropriate legislation and advising the Branch/Branch Committee of any implications.
f) awareness of the National policies of the union and advising the Branch/Branch Committee on such matters which require Branch action.
g) respond to all appropriate correspondence.
h) provide assistance and advice to other levels of the organisation.
i) maintain contact with Full Time Paid Officer and seek advice and assistance where appropriate.
The above list is indicative rather than exhaustive.
2. The postholders should work within a team chaired by the Branch Chairperson and involving the Branch Secretary and Service Conditions Team. The postholder should work in close liaison with other Branch Officers and Departmental Conveners.

12. Role of Branch Service Conditions Officers (4)
1. The postholders should work within a team chaired by the Branch Chairperson and involving the Branch Secretary and Service Conditions Team.
2. The postholders should work in close liaison with other Branch Officers and Departmental and Self Organised Group Conveners and undertake work on behalf of the membership across all sectors.
3. They will participate in the provision of a comprehensive service conditions resource in liaison with the coordinator, conveners and other appropriate officers.
4. Their prime function will be to work with the Coordinator and Conveners in fulfiling the full range of tasks identified in E10 and 11.

13. Role of Branch Communications Officer
1. This postholder will have specific responsibility for maintaining contact between the members and their union and would co-ordinate all Branch publicity.
2. Aspects of the remit of the Communications Officer are;
a) the co-ordination of a Branch Magazine to be issued on a regular frequency (10 issues are recommended and at least not less than 6 times a year)
b) produce, as required, special one - off literature.
c) to co-ordinate publicity aspects of Branch campaigns.
d) to provide advice and assistance on publicity aspects of Departmental campaigns.
e) to co-ordinate (but not initiate without approval of Chair & Secretary) the publicising of the aims, policies and activities of UNISON in all suitable media
f) to advise on all aspects of communications with the media
g) to develop a database of media contacts and to monitor press
h) to co-ordinate branch involvement in wider campaigns.
i) to maintain an awareness of local and national issues and ensure they are profiled within the Branch.
j) pursue a positive image for the union with members of the public.
k) to put in place and maintain a distribution network which will ensure the timeous distribution of relevant materials.
The above list is indicative rather than exhaustive.
3. The postholder will require close liaison with other Branch Officers to ensure information is correct, up to date and relevant.

14. Role of Branch Education Officer
1. The Branch Education Officers remit will focus on the provision of an educational programme which will ensure all stewards and office bearers have access to appropriate training. In fulfiling this task the Education Officer will have to make an assessment on the appropriateness of particular training packages to the needs of the particular Stewards and Self-organised group committees./ Branch Officer.
2. Aspects of the remit would be;
a) identifying and addressing individual and Branch training needs
b) the co-ordination of a Training Plan making use of both internal and external resources.
c) liaison with outside agencies and other levels of the union on relevant matters.
d) programming and participating in internal Branch courses
e) assessment of course materials
f) ensuring administrative support is provided (e.g. arranging time off, accommodation, travel arrangements etc)
g) maintaining records of individual participation in training
The above list is indicative rather than exhaustive.
3. If the remit is to be fulfiled the postholder must maintain close contact with other Branch Officers and with Departmental and Self Organised Group Conveners.

15. Role of Branch Welfare Officer
1. This post is different to other Branch Officers due to the confidential nature of the tasks involved.
Normally the only people aware of a Welfare case would be the Welfare Officer and the local steward although there will be occasions when the advice of another Branch Officer may be required.
2. Aspects of the remit would be;
a) to stimulate and foster support for the Welfare Fund
b) visits to beneficiaries
c) knowledge of benefits available through the union and other agencies
d) ensuring members are aware of welfare provision
e) giving advice and assistance to Shop Stewards
f) providing direct advice to members
g) to do all the above either directly or through the Welfare Committee
The above list is indicative rather than exhaustive.

16. Role of Branch Recruitment/ Membership Services Officer
1. While it is every activist and member’s job to recruit, this position is key to the recruitment and retention of members and as such key to the whole branch organisation. The post involves:
a) to co-ordinate recruitment in the branch in conjunction with Departmental Committees, Self-Organised Groups and other Branch Officers as appropriate.
b) Liaise with National and Regional Officers in mounting targeted recruitment campaigns
c) to deal with matters concerning applications for membership
d) to assist in maintaining membership statistics
e) to correspond with UIA Ltd, Britannia Building Society etc
f) to develop services available to members outwith conditions of service issues, eg local discounts etc.
g) to promote such services to members.

17. International Relations Officer
a) to raise and co-ordinate activities for the increase in members knowledge and understanding of international issues
b) to keep the branch informed, via the Policy and Finance Committee, on international issues.

18. Branch Auditors (2)
To conduct an efficient audit in accordance with the NECs general principles at least once per year

19. Youth Officer
a) To develop and co-ordinate youth activities in the Branch in line with national and Scottish guidelines which are issued from time to time.
b) To develop youth structures within the Branch.
c) To develop strategies for recruiting, retaining and involving young members.
d) To act as one of the Branch delegates to any approved UNISON or other Youth conferences etc.

20. APF Officer
a) The Affiliated Political Fund Officer will be elected annually by a meeting open to all qualifying members paying the Affiliated Political Fund levy. The APF Officer will:
b) co-ordinate APF activities within the branch within National and Scottish rules and guidelines.
c) act as a line of communication between the Branch, the APF and the Labour Party, ensuring that UNISON’s policies are understood within the Labour Party at the appropriate levels and communicating Labour Party issues to the branch membership via the Branch Communications Officer.
d) keep a record of and convene regular meetings of APF members in the Branch.
e) set up measures to recruit and retain APF members.

21. Retired Members’ Secretary
The Retired Members Secretary will be elected annually by a meeting open to all qualifying members under the National Rules.

22. Other Officers
The Branch may appoint other officers from time to time as it thinks fit, for example Womens' Officer, etc.

































SECTION F. Representation of Members in Service Conditions Issues

Representation Framework

Shop Steward
Departmental Convener / Vice Convener
Service Conditions Team
Full Time Officer

1. Guidelines

1 The Shop Steward must be the first point of contact for the member.

2. The Shop Steward may seek guidance in the first instance from the Departmental Convener / Vice Convener. Following discussion they may then consider it appropriate to involve the Service Conditions Team.

3. Representation at the final Departmental stage of a Discipline or Grievance should involve the Departmental Convener / Vice Convener in conjunction with the Shop Steward. They may involve the Service Conditions Team if appropriate.

4. Prior to any appeal or dispute being progressed to the Authority’s Appeals and Disputes Committee the case will be considered by the Service Conditions Team who will assess the case and advise whether it is appropriate to pursue the matter further.

5. Representation to the Appeals and Disputes Committee will be led by a member of the Service Conditions Team unless otherwise delegated by those individuals.

6. Any member who is aggrieved with the manner in which their case has been represented may in the first instance appeal to the Departmental Convener. If that individual has previously been involved in the case the appeal may be made to the Conditions of Service Convener or if he/she has similarly been involved to the Branch Secretary.

If the member remains aggrieved, he/she may progress their grievance to an Appeals Panel established by the Branch Committee for that purpose. It is recognised that members have a final right of appeal to the National Executive Council.

The Branch Secretary must be informed in writing by the member of their intention to appeal.

7. In Service Conditions matters, as in all others subject to UNISON national rules, the full time officer will only have a role in the branch when and if invited to take on that role by the branch. Decisions on how and by whom members are represented are a matter for the branch.
