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UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch


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The Branch AGM, held on 22 February, backed an emergency motion gving more time for negotiations after progress was made in talks with the City of Edinburgh Council on the Absence Management Policy. Motions calling for a boycott and a consultative ballot were remitted to the Branch Committee to be dealt with if negotiations fail.

The AGM also celebrated the success of the "Our City's Not For Sale" Campaign, elected new officers to the Service Conditions Team and a new Equality Officer. Full reports to follow.

The Emergency Motion passed on sickness absence is blow.....


This AGM congratulates branch negotiators on achieving a delay in implementation of the Council’s new Sickness Absence Policy and in securing progress on:-

1. Changes to the policy
2. The issue of transparent and fair discretion.

This AGM notes that in negotiations today, 22 February 2012, the negotiators presented the Council with counter-proposals to ensure a fairer policy. The fact that the Council has agreed to consider this counter-proposal is a significant breakthrough in the talks.

Accordingly, This AGM instructs branch officers to:-

1. Continue to campaign against the imposition of an unacceptable Sickness Absence Policy

2. Continue negotiations on the trade unions’ counter-proposals

3. Report back to Stewards Committees and the Branch Committee on progress with further recommendations on any necessary action.

Wednesday 22 February 2011
6pm to 8pm at the latest


CRECHE: Closing date -
Noon, Tuesday 14th February 2012

Noon, Wednesday 15th February 2012


What are the officer positions? 

PRESIDENT: Overall branch leader with responsibility for representing the branch and overseeing all its functions. Chairs branch meetings.

CHAIR: Deputises for the President. Actively oversees day to day running of the branch, especially in service conditions. Chairs Branch Committee.

VICE CHAIRS (2): At least one must be a woman. Deputise for Chair in his/her role in chairing meetings.

*SECRETARY: Responsible for branch organisation, staffing and administration, and as the point of communication for the branch. Co-ordinates all branch officers work. Responsible for membership records. Delegation leader/ spokesperson

*ASST SECRETARY: To assist in many of the above tasks.

*One of these must be a woman.

TREASURER: Keeps the accounts, organises expenses system (eg fares, child care costs etc), provides budgets, ensures books audited.

SERVICE CONDITIONS CO-ORDINATOR: Oversees service conditions and negotiations. Branch lead negotiator. Staff side nominee.

SERVICE CONDITIONS CONVENER (APT&C): APT&C conditions as well as general role.

SERVICE CONDITIONS CONVENER (MANUAL): As above but mainly for Manual conditions.

SERVICE CONDITIONS CONVENER (CRAFT): As above but mainly for Craft conditions.

SERVICE CONDITIONS OFFICERS (4): At least two must be women. Responsible for service conditions matters across conditions.

EQUALITIES OFFICER: Co-ordinate equalities strategy. Bring equality perspective to service conditions, branch publications. Keep up to date with legislation.

HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER: Develop plans to improve workplace environment. Oversee Health & Safety activity. Know legislation etc.

COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER: Co-ordinate branch magazine. Develop media strategy. Ensure members get briefings etc

EDUCATION OFFICER: Identify branch training needs. Develop appropriate courses/training plans.

YOUNG MEMBERS OFFICER: Co-ordinate and campaign on youth issues, encourage involvement of under 25's (must be under 25).

MEMBERSHIP/RECRUITMENT OFFICER: Co-ordinate recruitment. Assist in keeping statistics. Deal with election of new members. Build services to members.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICER: Keep branch informed of international issues and UNISON policies. Raise members understanding of international issues as they affect.

To identify and co-ordinate opportunities for members who wish to access further learning.

UNISON BRANCH AUDITORS: To conduct an efficient audit in accordance with the NEC's principles at least once a year. 


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Agenda 2012 and Annual Report 2011
SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA: Click here for amendments, emergency motions, errata and candidates' biographical details (pdf)
Election of Branch Officers
(click here to see what the positions are and what they do)