Branch News
9 February 2017: Edinburgh budget response: Defending services or administering austerity? UNISON's Tom Connolly made the following submission to Edinburgh City Council's budget meeting today as Joint Trade Unions Staff Side Secretary (on the blog).
2 November 2016: Health and Social Care Integration Briefing. Avoidance of Disputes and major concerns about workloads (pdf)
26 August 2016: Transformation
update Keeping the compuslory redundancy, stopping
excessive workloads, review updates....
10 May 2016: Transformation
update Fighting compuslory redundancy, stopping
excessive workloads, defending conditions, business
support review and more....
26 April 2016: UNISON
will be collecting books for Community HEART throughout
April and May - Click for details
22 April 2016: Housing
Review Update - Homelessness and Housing Advice
Services Review
11 April 2016: UNISON
statement on Edinburgh school closures (on the
1 April 2016: Social
Work and Social Care - A cut too far: Has Edinburgh
learned nothing? (pdf)
18 March 2016: Housing and Regulatory Review Breifing: (pdf) UNISON has asked for an extension of the consultation period for this Review beyond the planned deadline of 4 April 16.
17 March 2016: Transport Review Briefing: "UNISON finds it
incredible that the council are paying skilled roads staff to leave the council and then issue contracts to private contractors" (pdf)
9 March 2016: Disability News Update - ballot result and plans for future meetings.
15 February 2016: Health and Social Care Review Update (pdf)
21 Jan 2016: The silent slaughter of local government has to stop: Joint Trade Unions Staff Side Secretary 2016/2017 City of Edinburgh Council Budget Response
20 Jan 2016: UNISON lobby against ‘silent slaughter’ of council services
14 Jan 2016:
Newsletter: Cuts Upon Cuts as Scottish Government
slashes another £16 million. But union action
protects increments. (pdf)
13 Jan 2016: Disability
Review update
12 Jan 2016: Council makes UNISON Ethical Care Charter pledge - Click here for full details
12 Jan 2016: Lobby against biggest cuts in living memory - Thursday 21 January 08.45-09.45, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh
23 Dec 2015: A
happy and peaceful festive season to all our members,
especially to those delivering Edinburgh's services
over the holiday.
21 Dec 2015: Disability News: Disability Review update
15 Dec 2015:
AGM 2016 Preliminary Agenda.
The Annual General Meeting - open
to all members - will be on Monday 22
February 2016 in the Augustine Church,
George IV Bridge, 6pm - 8pm. Click here for details
and deadlines.
23 Dec 2015:
What council cuts really mean - A rundown on what
the cuts mean for and and your services
24 Nov 2015:
Transformation madness must stop - UNISON calls
for slowdown for meaningful consultation
29 Oct 2015:
UNISON wins major changes to voluntary severance
- but fight continues against compulsory redundancies
28 Oct 2015: Twin
demos on 29 Oct in Edinburgh and Glasgow against
October: Joint UNISON/Unite Dignity @ Work leaflet
updated. Click here to download
15 October: Branch briefing Exposing
myth of need to rush to redundancy. Rally on 29
October... (pdf)
6 October: Branch briefing Tell
councillors to stick to no compulsory redundancy
pledge. Rally on 29 October... (pdf)
30 September: Voluntary
severance: Updated advice for members as branch
seeks to improve terms
30 September: How
councils could limit the damage of cuts and austerity
- new UNISON report on Scotland site
24 September: Council
committee rejects privatisation plans - campaign
on now against compulsory redundancies
21 September 2015: Job lost is service lost to citizens
- Evening News
17 September 2015: UNISON urges Edinburgh coalition to stand by principles it was elected upon
- on the blog
16 September 2015: Edinburgh services face meltdown as UNISON fears over 3,000 job losses and privatisation
15 September 2015:
Services to be slashed as 3,000 jobs set to go:
Our City's STILL Not for Sale (Branch Magazine
21 July 2015: Voluntary
Severance - City of Edinburgh Council: UNISON
26 June 2015: Conditions
update: PRD (Performance Review and Development)
City of Edinburgh Council
25 June 2015: Time
for government to stop starving councils
- UNISON warns Edinburgh councillors
to be sure what they are signing up to
25 June 2015: Branch
Secretary statement on 'Transformation' proposals
24 June 2015: How
to get your vote in the Labour leadership elections
- UNISON backs Dugdale and Rowley.
22 June 2015: 2015
pay negotiations update on UNISON Scotland site.
11 June 2015: Job
opportunity: Organiser/ Caseworker 17.5
hours. UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch. Closing
date 3 July 2015. Click for details
1 June 2015: CLEANING
IN CRISIS Update: More staff
drafted in to alleviate current problems. Deloitte
review postponed to August so check back here
for updates. (pdf)
9 April 2015: USE
YOUR VOTE in the UNISON National Executive Elections
open now!. Click here for who the branch nominated.
April 2015: CLEANING
IN CRISIS There is currently a crisis in Facilities
Management and in particular, the cleaning service.
Click here for latest bulletin (pdf)
27 March 2015: UNISON
welcomes decision in Edinburgh social work contempt
of court case
25 February 2015: Victory
for part time staff unsocial hours payments
25 February 2015: Freespace votes for UNISON recognition
12 February 2015: Thanks for support at cuts rally - photos on blog and twitter
February 2015: Council cleaners: Cuts briefing (pdf)
12 February 2015: SACRO working week briefing (pdf)
27 January 2105: Edinburgh College Updates (pdf)
9 January 2015: UNISON
slams Edinburgh 1200 job cuts dressed up as reorganisation.
31 December 2014: New
Year message. You are the people who stand up
for Edinburgh's services
29 December 2014: UNISON's
initial response to The City of Edinburgh Council's
draft budget for 2015/2016
23 December 2014: Joint Trade Unions Staff Side Secretary 2015/2016 Budget Response
18 December
2014: Season's greeting to all our members, especially
those delivering Edinburgh's services over the
December 2014: 87%
vote to keep UNISON's political voice: Scotland
in UNISON magazine online
December 2014: Health
and Safety Cold Weather Advice
05 December 2014
UNISON response
to Edinburgh cuts - government must put cash in
As Edinburgh fights to find £67 million
in cuts on top of almost £200 million in
recent years, UNISON’s Edinburgh Branch
is calling on the Scottish Government to put cash
in now ‘before local services disappear
for ever’.
24 November 2014: Bhopal
Commemoration - 30 years on. Still
No Justice for the victims. Wed 3 Dec Greyfriars
Kirkyard Memorial 5.45 for 6.00pm | Updates
from UNISON delegation
November 2014:
Holiday pay
claims important update - 3 month rule
November 2014:
YES to keep your union's voice: UNISON's
unique political fund choice
November 2014:
Edinburgh Members' Benefits Day. Save
up to £250 a year. Free Prize Draw.
Waverley Court Courtyard 14 November
November 2014:
Ballot on LG Pay Scotland - Members vote
to accept
November 2014
pay claims important update: Has your pay changed? Click here for urgent
and important news..
22nd October 2014 is National Inspection
Day. Please contact your Safety Rep if your
workplace needs an inspection. Download
a poster.
October 2014:
we are being balloted again. PLEASE VOTE!
New branch briefing on employer's proposals.
Hold workplace meetings now.
September 2014
vote YES for action in pay ballot by 53.5%
to 46.5%.
11 September 2014
Ballot now open: Use your vote for fair pay. Click here for UNISON News special.
11 September 2014
UNISON agrees death benefit increase for council staff
5 September 2014
New Edinburgh College job evaluation update on Edinburgh College pages
2 September 2014
Check the blog today for submissions to council after 10.00 on Pre-Retirement Days and Qatar vist.
27 August 2014
Briefing for Care Home Members: 12 Hour Rotas 90 days notice
27 August 2014
New Edinburgh College job evaluation update on Edinburgh College pages
25 August 2014
NORMAL PAY FOR HOLIDAY CLAIMS. CHECK YOUR PAYSLIP NOW! Click here for more info. You MAY have a claim.
8 August 2014
Job evaluation
members' briefings Edinburgh College
Members' briefings on job evaluation will be held
in Edinburgh College from Monday 11 August 2014
(see in college for details). UNISON has produced
a briefing which is going out today 8 August.
5 August 2014
UNISON urges
Edinburgh council to keep local people’s
say over care services
UNISON will urge Edinburgh council to stick to
its joint plan with the NHS for integrating health
and social care services at today’s Corporate
Policy and Strategy Committee (Tuesday 5 August
2014 10am City Chambers).
1 August 2014
Electronic monitoring
ditched after union campaign
The council has withdrawn plans for electronic
monitoring of the home care workforce and agreed
to sit down with the union to jointly look at
constructive ways of monitoring and improving
Home Care and Re-ablement services.
17 July 2014
FOR HOLIDAY CLAIMS. Click here for details of
ECJ ruling and the action UNISON is taking - also
if you think you have a claim.
8 July 2014
consultative ballot: Members vote 65% to 35% for
industrial action ballot. More details on UNISON
Scotland site.
25 June 2014
warns of a major assault on public services as
60 per cent of cuts are still to come
23 June 2014
from National Conference | Local
Government Conference
3 May 2014
May Day rally
report: "Unions must give hope"
1 May 2014
celebrates anniversary of Miners' strike and Nursery
Nurses' strike
19 April 2014
Workers' Memorial Day 28 April. Click for details
28 February 2014
New officers elected
at AGM. See contacts page.
19 February 2014
time to care, says UNISON as survey reveals Scotland's
care crisis
19 February 2014
Worried about
winter fuel bills? UNISON Winter Fuel Grant. Help
when you need it. Apply before 28 February
12 February 2104:
Lobby against Council cuts
6 February 2014: 'Breakthrough'
reported in Roadworkers' talks
February 2014: £36
million more cuts! Lobby the Council Budget Meeting
13 February 08.30
31 January 2014: Lobby
against Council Cuts Thurs 13 Feb 08.30 - 09.30
City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh
12 January 2014: Edinburgh
Council Budget 2014 - Trade Union Staff Side Response
15 October:
Edinburgh Council censors critical report as UNISON
launches privatisation pledge
In response UNISON has launched a Privatisation
Pledge - the union will be asking elected politicians
to oppose privatisation of services until there
has been full public consultation and proper scrutiny
Click here for forms if your subscriptions
are wrong after the Council's yearly review
Awareness Week: 8-12 October 2012
Keep Society’s Safety Net – PUBLIC MEETING Friday
7th September 2012 Portobello Town Hall
Edinburgh Anti Cuts Alliance
coalition: Branch welcomes commitments on living
wage, jobs and partnership
an Equal Pay Claim lodged? Check here for Frequently
Asked Questions.
Our City's Not For Sale - May Day Rally report:
UNISON's John Stevenson urges new Council to work
with unions and communities to protect services
and jobs. "Recession is not an accident.
It is not unavoidable. It is created by the politics
of greed."
Branch Magazine: Decision time for sickness absenceThe
reality of sickness absence - shocking survey
findings. Nearly
half of public sector workers polled in a recent
UNISON Scotland survey said sickness absence policies
encourage staff to turn up ill or injured at work
- UNISON Scotland website.
condemns councillor's attack on union reps
16 March 2012: UNISON has condemned attacks
on UNISON reps at the City of Edinburgh Council
meeting on 15 March.
under threat: Public
meeting 5 March (flyer pdf)
Equal Pay Deadline for historic APT&C claims
is 5 MARCH 2012 Click here for more important
details and FAQs
24 Jan: UNISON
wins more time to put case against sickness absence
to go to full council on 2 February
22 Jan:
here for a briefing and advice
19 Jan: Edinburgh
dumps privatisation plans: "This
is the best outcome we could have got - following
the victory in November for keeping Environmental
Services public, and the recent abandonment of
the ruling group's plans to privatise Corporate
and Transactional Services, says John Stevenson.
10 January
abandons equal pay appeal
The path to justice and compensation has been
cleared for hundreds of UNISON members today as
Edinburgh City Council abandoned its defence of
long running equal pay claims for ex APT&C
staff. read more>>
back with pride and forward with confidence
- New Year message to members from Branch
Pensions March in Royal
Mile from Joel
Venet See
video here

Bickerstaffe tells 10,000 strong Edinburgh Rally
"You have a legal right and a moral duty to
stand up to bullies and diktat" See
video of full speech on facebook
from Edinburgh on strike day here and picasa

* 30 November strike day:
BBC poll reports strong support for strike:
See updates on the UNISON
Scotland Blog:
* Strike Hardship
Fund: Click
here to download a form. All applications
dealt with in strictest confidence.
action updates and FAQs
March and Rally 30 November Strike Day.
11.30, Johnston Terrace, marching to Scottish
PLUS: Off sick just three times in three years
and you could be sacked?
Meeting 7pm Mon 24 October, Appleton Tower,
Edinburgh University
the Council: 08.30-10.00 Thurs 27 October,
City Chambers, High Street
September 2011: Suspended staff statement
10 Sept: Edinburgh United
The branch banner joined a march and rally today
by Unite Againt Fascism, trade unions, students,
faith groups, political parties and politicians
which dwarfed a static demonstration by the so-called
Scottish Defence League and other far right group
moved! From 26 August 2011
UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch has moved to 10
Infirmary Street, Edinburgh EH1 1LT Phone: 0131
558 7488 Fax: 0131 558 7041
Click here for details.
14 August 2011:
Edinburgh citizens to get 'long overdue' chance
to quiz politicians on privatisation:
Edinburgh citizens will get a 'long overdue' chance
to quiz politicians about the council's privatisation
plans at a public meeting called by unions on
Monday 15 August.
1 August 2011: Edinburgh
privatisation 'worse than the trams' say unions
as communities take action Unions have
warned that the fall-out from Edinburgh council's
£1billion privatisation plans could be 'worse
than the trams', as citizens take things into
their own hands by organising public meetings
across the city to demand answers from the council.
28 June 2011: Edinburgh
must delay privatisation decision until public
have their say: A packed public consultation
organised by UNISON last night (27 June) heard
calls for Edinburgh's Lib Dem/ SNP council to
delay its £1 billion privatisation plans until
the public is properly consulted.
16 May 2011: Suspended
staff statement As a trade union we do
not comment on the details of disciplinary matters
but such has been the publicity created by the
recent suspensions in a council department (Seven
more suspended in fraud probe, News, May 11),
we feel there is a need to set some of the record
joins thousands in London
to say NO to cuts:
Report, MORE pictures and links
to UNISON UK live updates

8 March 2011: Save
Edinburgh's Jobless Services Campaign takes the
message to Holyrood: 'Save services that help
jobless into work'
19 Feb 2011: Cuts
debate (and tourist tax) goes global
March and Rally 7 May, Couldn't make
it to London on 26 March? Then you had another
chance to show your opposition to cuts in services
and jobs: Organised
by Edinburgh People's Festival. Click here for
video and pics of the March and Rally.
back temperature survey at Waverley Court and
Chesser House
Health and Safety Pages for details
Workers Memorial Day Edinburgh 28 April 2011
The Edinburgh event took place at 12 O'clock on
28 April 2011 at the Memorial Tree, West Princes
Street Gardens, Edinburgh. Click
here for photos and speech by Branch President
2011 Reports on all the UNISON speakers
motions on 26
March Rally - What next?, Stop the Cuts
UAF passed
by Scottish Council 16 April
launches safety guide for social workers:
The new guide – Keeping
Safe in the Workplace – aims to help social
workers recognise when they are becoming overloaded
at work and to seek support from their employers,
trade union or professional association when needed.>>more
Attack on Our Pensions: Government
will use Hutton report to raid our pensions
Click here for full details
8 March 2011: Save Edinburgh's Jobless
Services Campaign takes the message to Holyrood:
'Save services that help
jobless into work' Update:
Campaign success staves off cuts
- Click here for press
Cuts debate
(and tourist tax) goes global
Evening News opinion piece and over 150 google
hits for branch call to save services 19 Feb
2011 >>more..
11 Feb 2011: UNISON
says fight goes on after Blindcraft closure
More than 200 years of emloyment opportunities
for people with disabilities has ended with the
closure of Blindcraft in Edinburgh
10 Feb 2011:
Members of UNISON's Edinburgh branch to urge the
council to protect front line services, avoid
compulsory redundancies and abandon 'wasteful'
privatisation plans.
10 Feb: 17.15: Edinburgh budget
goes through despite protests
The Edinburgh Lib Dem/ SNP budget, threatening
1,200 jobs, has been voted through on the casting
vote of the Lord Provost. Labour's alternative
budget which would have avoided compulsory redundancies,
protected services to the most vulnerable and
set a living wage of at least £7.15 for the lowest
paid, was beaten. More
to follow on blog
the need hasn't gone away, why should the services?
Lobby against the cuts: Thurs 10 February City
Chambers, High Street.
here for the Branch's briefing for councillors.
7 Feb 2011:
to meet with Joint Trade Unions to discuss a pay
claim to tackle low pay
The proposed claim, for a single year, would focus
on a flat rate to benefit lower paid workers and
would press for employers to introduce a Living
Wage. Click
here for more details on UNISON Scotland
15 December 2010: UNISON
UNISON will call for an immediate halt to privatisation
at Edinburgh City Council at a lobby of the Council
tomorrow (16th December) after it was revealed
that two of the private bidders had not revealed
criminal convictions arising from fatal workplace
16 November 2010:
UNISON and the other trades unions at Blindcraft
have vowed to fight the closure of its renowned
beds factory in Edinburgh as they join with workers
to lobby the City of Edinburgh Council meeting
on 18 November. more>>
21 October 2010: Unions'
fury as Edinburgh Council reneges on pay protection
promise The joint unions representing
Edinburgh Council staff have condemned the Council
for reneging on its promises to staff about three-year
pay protection if they lost out under ‘Modernising
Pay’. more>>
30 September 2010: Council
must listen to public on saving services
With the revelation in today's Evening News
that 7 out of 10 of Edinburgh residents would
rather pay more in tax than lose services, UNISON
has called on the Council to listen to the public
properly and abandon the 'fixed' consultation.
14 September 2010: EDINBURGH
cuts to be announced by the City Council as 'savage
and unnecessary'. The union has also criticised
the release of details to the press before unions
and the workers whose jobs are affected are told.
18 August 2010:
UNISON has expressed its anger at the City
of Edinburgh Council’s announcement today to cut
a further 16 million with 300 jobs to go. It has
called for an emergency meeting with the council
29 July 2010:
Selling Edinburgh off will come at great cost
to us all
Letter in Evening News 29/7/10
24 June 2010:"You
cannot hide from the responsibility for the disaster
privatisation will bring"
Branch Officers told councillors on 24 June
that they 'cannot hide from the responsibility
for the disaster privatisation will bring', as
they outlined UNISON's concerns about plans to
move to the next stage of the process to outsource
up to 3,500 jobs.
25 March 2010: Threatened
Staff Win UK Award
If It Ain’t Broke – Don’t Fix It: Staff
at the City of Edinburgh Council, who face wholesale
privatisation, have just received a UK award for
delivering efficiencies that are unrivalled across
the UK.
24 March 2010: 'Our
City's Not For Sale' campaign launched
5 March 2010: GMB
ballot joint statement: (5/3/10) As there
are significant factual inaccuracies within the
GMB's communication, the Council, UNISON and
Unite the Union have decided to take the unusual
step of issuing this joint
Modernising Pay update to all Council
staff ....more>>
10 Feb 2010:
No council worker gambled millions on the stock
exchange. Why should they have to pay the price
of cuts in Edinburgh? - UNISON
3 Feb 2010:
Care tender fiasco shows need to halt outsourcing
plans till Council can justify figures - UNISON
16 Jan 2010: UNISON
condemns redundancy and reduced hours plan as
Council faces biggest cuts ever
6 Jan 2010: UNISON
calls for real talks as council serves notice
on 'Modernising Pay'
17 Dec 09:
Unions urge Edinburgh Council to save local economy
from unprecedented cuts
7 Dec 09: UNISON
mounts funeral procession for lost Community Learning
23 Nov 09: Work
together to save services or face biggest dispute
Edinburgh has ever seen
1 Nov 09:
'Modernising Pay': Branch rejects proposals
1 Oct 09: Cuts
in home carers' pay will end up as profit for
private care directors - Boyack.
7 Sept 09: Dispute
lodged as Council tears up agreements and docks
members' wages
plans 'fail to meet equality criteria': UNISON
is taking further advice as specialist reports
suggest 'Modernising Pay' will not deliver on
equality >>more
9 June 2009: UNISON
slams Edinburgh Council's attack on low paid workers
3 June
2009: Unions react angrily to Edinburgh 'back
to the future' threat of cuts and privatisation
1 June
2009: Telford UNISON members vote to fight job
cuts as college bosses get big rises
1 May 2009:
MayDay Address: Night for Gaza – Newtongrange
Miners Club 1 May 2009
Feb 09: UNISON slams press reports on adoption
case: UNISON slams press
attack on social work staff and urges members
and public to keep 'open mind' on 'unfair' adoption
reports because confidentiality rules means those
attacked cannot respond.
30 Nov: Branch
thanks members as council set to pay out back
money before Christmas
11 Nov: Edinburgh
home help takes equal pay lawyer to court:
04 Sept:
Edinburgh's social work managers call for action
against 'unsafe' cuts
03 Sept:
Union disbelief as Edinburgh replaces child protection
jobs with finance managers
25 Aug:
UNISON slams cuts in Edinburgh's childrens services
20 Aug:
Action will go on for fair pay, Dave Prentis tells
Edinburgh pickets
29 July:
Members call for 'unsafe' Social Work cuts to
be exposed and warn action inevitable if staff
and clients not protected
28 July
08: Edinburgh Children's Social Work risks meltdown
warns UNISON
May 08: Single Status talks - Update and Joint
Trade Union Briefing
but "disappointing number of members responding"
April 08: Crunch talks for single status
Talks expected to bring the long saga of Single
Status negotiations to a head, will start on 6
May 2008
for more details
21 April:
is recommending rejection of the 2.5% three year
offer. We will be consulting via stewards and
meetings as to whether you accept or reject the
offer. Or you can respond
here online before 9 May"
April 08: Social Work Inspection Edinburgh - Initial
UNISON Response: Resources are the key
to decent services.
April 08: Pay Offer Rejected "Negotiators
managed improve the offer from 2.2%, then to 2.3%
and now to 2.5%. But 2.5% in each of the next
three years is still not good enough."
March 08: UNISON response to Children & Families
Organisational Review "The union
does not believe that an exercise so strongly
driven by the need to make cuts can arrive at
best considered decisions about service delivery
and meeting the needs of children and families.
Feb 2008: Pay Offer Rejected "It
doesn't approach the current rate of inflation,
let alone begin to catch up the loss staff have
suffered over recent years"
19 Feb
2008: UNISON slams Edinburgh 'stealth cuts'
and warns of crisis for front line services
21 Dec:
UNISON makes up for Council residential home Scrooges
Union steps in after reports that Council budget
cuts will scrap the traditional Christmas Day
after-dinner chocolates in homes for the elderly
and young people this year.
20 Dec:
Leafletting starts against home care cuts
29 Nov:
UNISON fury at Council's shared services spin.
800 jobs at risk. Union warns it will strike against
Burma motion passed by LGBT Conference
Pay: 'Quick fix' deal with lawyers won't resolve
problem. UNISON fights on for fair pay and
compensation for all staff.
Protection Inspection: UNISON welcomes praise
for work of frontline staff and calls for national
debate on the crisis in resources for vulnerable
Talks bring some movement but still no guarantees
on redundancies.
16 Aug:
Edinburgh workers vote for strike against cuts
and redundancies
23 July
2007: Strike ballot as UNISON mounts action
against Edinburgh cuts
11 April
2007: Edinburgh's local government union warns
council income tax could hit services and democracy
sign away your rights! Advice for members
being made equal pay compromise offers - Plus
equal pay: Your questions answered.
Archive News 1998-2006
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