John Ross
John Ross passed away in hospital on Saturday
22 October 2011. He had been a
senior activist since the branch's inception
and for years before that in the old Edinburgh
District Branch of NALGO. He had been Scottish
vice-convener of NALGO and he had also been
a Lothian Region and East Lothian Labour councillor.
He will be sorely missed for his skill, experience,
guidance, kindness and warm friendship. Our
thoughts are with his family and his many colleagues,
comrades and dear friends at this time.
Ross: Union stalwart, dedicated Labour politician
and friend to so many. An
appreciation by John Stevenson, Branch President.
More Tributes.
(Email to

Musselburgh News
Tributes paid to former Musselburgh
Tributes to former public servants
I was very sorry to hear that John had died.
Having worked with him over many years, I had
great respect for his commitment to the trade
union movement and also to public service. His
role as a councillor give him added insight
into how local government worked and his knowledge
and experience were of great benefit to first
NALGO and then to UNISON. I also had the good
fortune to work with him when we were planning
our then 'New Union' and again his support was
Over the years I was able to work with John
in many capacities and remember him too as an
STUC delegate who brought wisdom and balance
to all of our discussions. I knew him as as
a friend and comrade and always enjoyed his
company. In recent years we had worked less
closely together but nevertheless caught up
with each other at various times, often at local
government delegate meetings. There we invariably
had a chat about recent, and sometimes not so
recent, events not always agreeing on outcomes
but happy to exchange experiences.
Please convey to his friends that I shall miss
him and know that his legacy of trade union
work will long be remembered by many who have
cause to be grateful for his efforts.
With my sincerest condolences,
Matt Smith
Ex Scottish Secretary UNISON
I was very sorry to hear about John's death.
John will be very much missed.
Mike Durnan
City of Edinburgh Council
I have just read about the sad passing of John
Ross. John was extremely talented and committed
to the cause but more importantly one of the
‘good guys’. His death at such an
early age is an absolute tragedy. Please pass
on my sincere condolences to all his friends/colleagues/comrades
within Unison.
Bill Axon MIMSPA
General Manager
Sorry to hear this.
I tapped into John Ross's knowledge and experience
a number of times over the years, to the benefit
of members.
Best wishes
Lawrence Arscott
UNISON Shop Steward
Can I say how sorry I am to hear that John
Everyone in Belford is very upset at the news,
especially those who knew him well and worked
with him in many campaigns over the years.
Peter Hunter
Regional Organiser
UNISON Scotland
I am really sorry but I won’t make Rossi’s
funeral on Monday. I was very sad to hear about
his death and I would really have liked to have
been there to pay my respects to Rossi and to
say goodbye to a really lovely man. Like most
folk who knew him, I loved Rossi – his
warmth, his generosity and his sense of humour.
I loved how he always called me “darling”
and although I sometimes pretended to feel patronised,
actually I knew that, from him, it was meant
completely affectionately and I was chuffed
by it.
I had a huge respect for Rossi and he always
made me feel respected back. Positive feedback
from Rossi, like when he thought my asylum presentation
was really good, always meant a great deal more
than from most other people.
As you know, I hadn’t seen so much of
Rossi over recent months, and I did miss him
and I will miss him even more now.
I know he was a great friend of yours and I
just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts,
as are Rossi’s family and loved ones.
Please pass on my sympathy, thoughts and best
wishes to Rossi’s family.
Kate Ramsden
Chair: UNISON Aberdeenshire Branch
I just returned from leave yesterday and was
informed by Julie about the death of John Ross.
The news was a great shock to me as I had been
thinking about him only a few days ago.
I recall many times that John provided great
support and encouragement to me on a professional
and personal level, I particularly enjoyed the
more informal discussions that I had with him
about music, we exchanged many cds, I almost
got his whole personal history and that in itself
is very special considering that he was in many
ways a very private person.
I am of course aware that you had both been
very close friends and colleagues over many
years, I know that you must have found the news
very shocking and that he will be a great loss
to you, in that respect John I send you my warmest
Best wishes
Tom Connolly
UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch
Please pass my condolences on to the Branch
and the family. Mr Ross was one of the best
of us. He made a difference and we can hope
for little more. I shall miss him.
Bob Revie
UNISON Aberdeenshire Branch