Joint staff update from the City of Edinburgh
Council, UNISON and Unite the Union
5 March 2010: Some of you may have seen
the communication dated 1 March that the GMB Union
has sent to its members in the Council along with
a consultative ballot paper.
As there are significant factual inaccuracies
within the GMB's communication the Council, Unison
and Unite the Union have decided that it is necessary
to take the unusual step of issuing this joint Modernising
Pay update to all Council staff to confirm the following
key facts:
Consultation: since 5 January both the Council
and the trades unions have been engaged in the statutory
consultation process. We have always stressed that
these talks will last a minimum of 90 days. They
are progressing and we are continuing to try and
reach agreement. There was never a suggestion that
'imposition' would follow immediately after this
minimum 90-day period, and we can therefore state
categorically that imposition will not happen on
5 April as stated on the GMB consultative ballot
The proposals: no final proposals will emerge
until the talks have ended, and so any ballot conducted
at this early stage is premature. Indeed, the GMB
consultative ballot is on the package of proposals
that was circulated to you in July 2009, and which
is currently under joint negotiation during this
statutory consultation period.
Appeals process: the package we are consulting
on contains an appeals process which has already
been agreed by both the Council and the trades unions
and is regarded as a very positive aspect of the
package. The GMB communication suggests otherwise,
despite the fact that the GMB were party to having
agreed it previously. We will let you know about
the appeals process nearer to implementation.
Finally, you should know that, although the GMB
have withdrawn temporarily from the talks until
their ballot is concluded, Unison, Unite and the
Council will continue to engage in the statutory
consultation process in line with the agreed schedule
of meetings.
Stephen McGregor
Convener Unite
Kevin Duguid
Service Conditions
Coordinator UNISON
Philip Barr
Head of HR The City of Edinburgh Council
