held on 23 FEBRUARY 2004 in the
The meeting was chaired by the Branch President,
J Galletta.
The meeting AGREED the Emergency Motions on Retention
& Remuneration in Social Work, Improving Public Services,
Nursery Nurses Pay Dispute and University Tuition Fees would
be submitted to the Agenda.
Four scrutineers were appointed - Rose Jackson
(Social Work), Maureen Christie (Social Work), Walter Weir (City
Development), Steve McDonald (Corporate Services)
The Branch Standing Orders were AGREED for the
following year.
The minutes of the last Branch Annual General
meeting of 24th March 2004 were AGREED as a correct record with
no matters arising.
No questions were raised on the Annual Report.
The meeting AGREED the financial statements.
The Service Conditions Co-ordinator appraised
the meeting on the progress in negotiations on the following
i. Pay Claim
ii. Nursery Nurses Dispute
iii. Single Status
iv. Social Work Remuneration, Retention &
The undernoted were elected unopposed: -
President: Joe Galletta
Chairperson: Barbara Foubister (Education)
Secretary: John Stevenson (Social Work)
Treasurer: Mike McCrossan (Housing)
Service Conditions Co-ordinator:
John Mulgrew (LVJB)
Service Conditions Convener
(APT&C): John Ross (Housing)
Service Conditions Convener (Craft): Walter Weir
(City Dev)
Service Conditions Convener (Manual): George
Lee (Social Work)
Health & Safety Officer: Tom McLeod (City
Equalities Officer: Irene Stout (Culture &
Education Officer: Ken Scott (City Dev)
Communications Officer: John Stevenson (Social
Welfare Officer: (Job-Share) Gillian Allan (LVJB)
Mike Smith (Finance)
International Officer: Matthew Creighton
Elections required for the following Branch
Officer post:
Ballot results recorded were:-
Matthew Creighton (City Dev) 135 votes
Gerry Corbett (Social Work) 125 votes
Mathew Creighton was duly elected Vice-Chairperson.
Assistant Secretary
Ballot results recorded were:-
Catriona Grant (Social Work) 125 votes
Agnes Petkevicius (Education) 139 votes
Agnes Petkevicius was duly elected Assistant Secretary.
Service Conditions Officers (4 - at least
two must be women)
Alan Brown (Education)158 votes
Kevin Duguid (Finance) 163 votes
Agnes Petkevicius (Education) 194 votes
Lyn Williams (Social Work) 143 votes
Elaine Wishart (Social Work) 177 votes
The following were duly elected Service Conditions
Alan Brown, Kevin Duguid, Agnes Petkevicius, Elaine
Recruitment/Membership Officer:
Barry Carbis (Social Work) 144 votes
Craig MacLeod (City Dev) 116 votes
Barry Carbis was duly elected Recruitment/Membership
No nominations were received for the post of Young
Members Officer. Nominations will continue to be sought via
the Branch Committee for this post.
New Rule E21 Lifelong Learning Convenor
Proposed by John Ross (Housing) Amanda Kerr
(Culture & Leisure)
The role of the Lifelong Learning Convenor will
include the following in conjunction with the Education Officer:-
1. Developing the profile of Lifelong Learning
in the branch
2. Encouraging members to become Lifelong Learning
Advisers/ Representatives
3. Setting up schemes and structures to support
advisers and members in Lifelong Learning
4. Co-ordinating the activities of Lifelong Learning
Advisers/Representatives to:-
a. raise awareness of Lifelong Learning issues
in the workplace and the branch
b. raise awareness of Lifelong Learning opportunities
amongst members and potential members
c. help to identify and articulate the learning
needs of particular groups of members or potential members
d. raise awareness of the UNISON partnership approach
to learning
e. liaise with employers on learning opportunities
in the workplace
f. create a positive experience of what UNISON
can do for members in the workplace around learning issues
g. encourage colleagues to join courses such as
Return to Learn and supporting them while they are learning
h. work with the branch to encourage learners
into branch activity
i. work with other branch officers to promote
Lifelong Learning opportunities
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Rule Change were AGREED with the required two-thirds
With the agreement of the movers Motion 1 (Tackling
the Crisis in Social Work), Motion 2 (Reorganisation of Social
Work Services), Motion 3 (Social Work Reorganisation) and Amendment
2 (Reorganisation of Social Work Services) were merged into
Composite A.
Composite A - Reorganisation of Social Work
Proposed by John Stevenson & Lyn Williams
(Social Work), Duncan Smith & Lorraine Paterson (Housing)
This Branch deplores the sensationalist responses
to the O'Brien Inquiry and supports its Social Work members
against the lust for blame and the unfair attacks on them and
their service.
This Branch welcomes the measures taken by officers
and stewards as outlined in the Annual Report and the key role
UNISON has played in speaking up for Social Work staff and their
This AGM also extends its support to all members
directly affected by the Inquiry and pledges to continue that
through advice, representation, moral support and other action
as necessary.
While the effects on individuals have been devastating,
the possible effect on the whole of the Social Work service
is just as concerning. This Branch recognises the work already
done by officers and stewards to challenge reorganisation and
remuneration plans and commits itself to continue campaigning
on the following principles:-
a) A lack of resources is the key element and
must be tackled before anything else.
b) The O'Brien Report is a flawed document which
must not be used as a basis for reorganising child protection.
This must only be done on the basis of good hard evidence and
with the resources to back it up.
c) While not opposed to reorganisations in principle,
this is not the time or the context to be embarking on wholesale
restructuring. If money is available it must be firstly used
to regenerate existing services.
d) We oppose plans to split up the Social Work
Department. Such a move flies in the face of findings by Inquiries
and of the poor experience of authorities that have gone down
this route.
e) Fragmentation would damage the Social Work
ethos which serves to protect practice from being compromised
by resource pressures and political expediency.
f) The only long term solution to the crisis in
recruitment and retention is a Scottish review, similar but
not identical to the McCrone review in Education.
g) Any local initiatives for better remuneration
must therefore only be seen as an interim measure and must be
applied fairly and equally.
This Branch therefore resolves to:
1. Oppose reorganisation of this type at this
stage and demand a much increased consultation period.
2. Continue to campaign for an understanding that
Social Work staff work with risk and need to be supported in
that rather than blamed and vilified.
3. Continue to campaign for a national review
and for an emergency injection of new resources.
4. Working alongside other organisations which
share our aims and values, to promote the above via measures
like submissions, conferences, lobbying and rallies.
5. Take all measures possible, including a ballot
on industrial action if necessary, to secure an extended consultation
period and to defend members and their services.
Furthermore, this Branch believes that the proposals
contained in the Chief Executive's report on the ‘Organisation
and Management of Social Work Services' has serious implications
for a wide variety of council employees.
Although centred on the Social Work Department
the options for change impact also on UNISON members in the
Education and Housing Departments.
However, there is a real danger that members will
split along departmental lines rather than adopting a unified
approach to the Council's proposals. There is therefore a need
for all members in the departments concerned to be fully consulted
and involved in the decision making process.
As a first step this Branch will urgently set
up a group comprising representatives from the Education, Housing
and Social Work Shop Stewards Committees and from the Service
Conditions Team to progress UNISON's response.
Secondly this Branch will call a Special General
Meeting where UNISON's position be discussed and ratified so
that all members will have an opportunity to air their views
before the final UNISON response is made.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Composite Motion were AGREED.
At this point of the meeting it was AGREED to
debate the following Emergency Motion:-
Emergency Motion 3 - Nursery Nurses Pay Dispute
Proposed by Barbara Foubister & Agnes Petkevicius
This meeting congratulates our Nursery Nurse colleagues
for the manner in which they have conducted themselves throughout
a Pay Dispute which has gone on for over three years. They have
shown a level of perseverance and solidarity which sets an example
to others who may be in dispute with their employer.
We note the employers' shambolic approach to negotiations
having initially agreed to national negotiations then stating
there has to be local negotiations only to seek further national
discussions and finally stating the local negotiations are the
only way forward.
This led the Nursery Nurses to ballot for All
Out Strike Action with the outcome being a resounding call for
This Branch commits itself to support the Nursery
Nurses in whatever way required to achieve a fair and equitable
resolution to their Pay Dispute, this to include encouraging
more members to contribute through collection sheets to provide
additional financial support.
We call upon the City of Edinburgh council to
recognise this dispute can only be resolved through national
negotiations and to use their undoubted influence in CoSLA to
persuade their fellow councils to initiate national talks immediately
which would allow the threat of further disruption to services
to be lifted.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Emergency Motion were AGREED.
Motion 8 - Consultation on Pay and Gradings
Proposed by James Black (Social Work) Joan
McBride (Social Work)
On being put to the meeting the amendment in the
names of John Stevenson (Social Work) and John Mulgrew (LVJB)
was LOST and the original motion was CARRIED.
In light of recent pay negotiations for the Recruitment
& Retention of Social Workers & Occupational Therapists
some social work shop stewards are concerned that the negotiations
at that time were not congruent with procedures outlined in
the Constitution Rules and Standing Orders as revised by the
2002 AGM.
For Example Section E 8 1d states "the postholder
(Branch Equalities Officer) should continually monitor the application
of agreements to ensure that they are being applied consistently
and in a non-discriminatory manner" Section B4 2 states "there
should be ballots on major issues such as pay".
The Recruitment & Retention package, which
was, negotiated on behalf of the Social Work Shop Stewards Committee
was divisive and against the principal of equal pay for equal
work of equal value. In addition details and proposals put to
the negotiators were never fully shared or discussed with the
Social Work Shop Stewards Committee.
For future negotiations on changes to pay scales/gradings
we call on this AGM to instruct negotiators, in line with the
constitution, to:
1. Fully consult with Stewards Committees openly
& transparently
2. Ballot members for any significant change affecting
pay structures, grading changes & pay reviews within the
City of Edinburgh Council.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Motion were AGREED.
Motion 9 - Car Allowances
Proposed by Barry Carbis & James Black
(Social Work) as amended by John Stevenson (Social Work) and
John Ross (Housing).
"Following consultation with the RAC and
the AA the Social Work Shop Stewards Committee have been advised
that these national Organisations calculate that the average
cost of running a car is 66 pence per mile. It is the view of
these organisations that this amount should be reflected in
the recompense that workers receive for using their cars for
However, this branch meeting notes that, at the
current standard rate of tax, the 66p figure would only deliver
51p per mile net. With the incremental progression (for many
Social Work staff for example) and if overtime is taken into
account, taxation could be higher and result in a net figure
of 39.6p - a reduction from the current non-taxable rate of
Accordingly this AGM instructs Branch Officers
to take specialist advice on formulating a car allowance claim
that will properly reflect the true cost of car usage on official
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Motion as amended were AGREED.
Emergency Motion 4 - University Tuition Fees
Proposed by Kevin Duguid (Finance) Douglas
Linton (Finance)
This meeting notes with concern the recent passing
of a Bill through Parliament which seeks to allow introduction
of Top Up Fees at Universities in England.
Furthermore, we note with disappointment that
a number of Scottish Labour MP's chose to vote in this debate
and that they chose to vote with the Government despite the
fact that presently the Scottish Parliament does not intend
to introduce Top Up Fees in Scotland.
Their support of this Bill can only be seen to
lend credence to those Scottish Universities such as Edinburgh
who are calling for the introduction of Top Up Fees in Scotland.
This Bill has still to pass through the House
of Lords and as such the campaign against it must continue and
in doing so the following should be actioned.
1. That UNISON re-affirms its opposition to the
introduction of Top Up Fees anywhere in the United Kingdom.
2. That UNISON continue to actively support the
National Union of Students in their ongoing campaign on a local
and national level.
3. That UNISON members be encouraged to write
to and lobby their members of Parliament and members of the
House of Lords over this bill.
4. That the Affiliated Political Fund both in
Scotland and in the United Kingdom as a whole be requested to
try to use its influence in this matter.
5. That the Affiliated Political Fund through
its interaction with the Labour Party be asked to raise the
grave concerns we have that Scottish Labour MP's are being used
as voting fodder for the Government over issues which do not
directly concern their constituencies and furthermore that their
actions in this case only serve to undermine the position taken
by the Scottish Parliament on Top Up Fees.
6.That UNISON mounts a campaign for a review of
how the United Kingdom Parliament conducts its business where
it is clear that the issues being debated and voted on are already
devolved to other Regional Assemblies or Parliaments i.e. "The
West Lothian Question".
7. That the terms of this motion be submitted
to National Delegates Conference.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Emergency Motion were AGREED.
Motion 10 - Congestion Charging
Proposed by Kevin Duguid & Mike Smith (Finance)
This AGM notes that the City of Edinburgh Council
intend to hold a referendum on the introduction of Congestion
However, there remain a number of concerns which
need to be addressed should Congestion Charging become a reality.
1. UNISON members who currently use their vehicle
to carry out their duties and are authorised car users should
not be financially disadvantaged.
2. That Congestion Charging should not discriminate
against disabled members who, because of their mobility problems,
cannot access public transport and require to use their vehicle
to get to and from work.
3. That there are a huge number of members who
live outwith Edinburgh and as such will experience difficulty
in accessing adequate public transport, unless the Council resolve
to significantly improve public transport facilities.
This AGM therefore instructs Branch Officers to
raise these concerns with the Council and seek agreements on
the above.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Motion were AGREED.
Motion 11 - Access to Pensions Benefits
Proposed by Irene Stout & Amanda Kerr (Culture
& Leisure)
This Branch welcomes the government's commitment
to put in place legislation to allow same gender couples access
to works pensions benefits equal to those enjoyed by married
Whilst this initiative is a major step forward
we note with concern this provision is not to be extended to
heterosexual couples who are not married.
We call upon the union at all levels to continue
campaigning for all members of works pensions to have equal
access irrespective of the status of their relationship with
their partner.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Motion were AGREED.
Motion 12 - No Quango for Criminal Justice
Social Work
Proposed by John Stevenson (Social Work) John
Mulgrew (LVJB)
This Branch opposes Scottish Executive plans which
could remove Criminal Justice Social Work from local authority
control and place it into a quango under the prison services.
While it notes that there may be a change of thinking by ministers,
it must continue the campaign by ensuring members and the public
are aware that:-
1.Evidence shows that non-custodial sentences
are more effective in stopping youth crime.
2. Despite the success of these community based
initiatives, a new unaccountable body dominated by the Prison
Service would be likely to place a greater emphasis on punishment
and custody.
3. The removal of the planning, running and liaising
functions of criminal justice from local control and placing
them in a huge centralised body would affect the crucial local
liaison on issues like monitoring and exchanging information
on sex offenders and flies in the face of the Executive's stated
4. Current Criminal Justice services in Edinburgh
are under-resourced and staff are under enormous pressures.
This Branch believes the Scottish Executive would be better
to heed the Justice Committee's recommendation of more investment
and resources and introducing a more radical approach to sentencing
than seeking to create yet another quango.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Motion were AGREED.
Motion 13 - Opposition to Large Scale Stock
Transfer of Council Housing
Proposed by Duncan Smith & Dougie Boxall
In 2001, the Housing Department commissioned research
into the options available to the Council for the future management
of council housing.
The result of this research was to retain the
bulk of council housing in local government ownership.
However, the Scottish Executive now has a target
to transfer 75,000 Local Authority houses to other landlords
and this has revived the debate around large scale stock transfer
in Edinburgh.
In light of this development we call on this branch
to re-affirm its agreement with UNISON Scotland's response to
the Scottish Executive's proposals for the Housing Scotland
Bill regarding mass stock transfer as noted below:-
• UNISON Scotland believes that a policy of mass
stock transfer, or so-called ‘community ownership' is unnecessary
and damaging for the following reasons:
• It is an expensive and unnecessary means of
resolving the investment crisis in public housing stock
• It will lead to less democratic accountability
• It will destabilise communities
• It will result in less diversity in housing
• It may lead to increased social exclusion
• It will, over time, lead to an increase in rents
• And it will inevitably have a detrimental impact
on jobs, pay and conditions of local government housing staff.
• UNISON Scotland believes that tenants should
make real choices about the future management and maintenance
of their homes - with the maximum possible information available
to them.
We therefore call on this branch, in the event
of a decision to pursue large scale stock transfer, to:-
1. Promote a broad-based campaign to keep Council
Housing in Local Authority ownership, including support for
any tenants' campaigns.
2. Ensure members in the Housing Department are
supported when they give UNISON campaign leaflets to residents
in order that tenants should make real choices about the future
management and maintenance of their homes - with the maximum
possible information available to them.
3.Make use of UNISON's General Political Fund
to finance this campaign.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Motion were AGREED.
Motion 14 - Access for Disabled Staff and Members
of the Public
Proposed by John Ross (Housing) Tom McLeod
(City Development)
This Branch looks forward to the conclusion of
the audit of all council's properties in relation to Access
for the Disabled but is concerned that, without major additional
funding from the Scottish Executive, local authorities will
not be able to initiate the works required to address the problem.
We call upon the union to initiate a campaign along with colleagues
in the STUC to call for the required additional monies and for
the APF to raise this issue within the Labour Party.
Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms
of the Motion were AGREED.
At this point of the meeting the Chair advised
the AGM was closed with all remaining motions and vacant Branch
Officers posts being remitted to the Branch Committee for decision
and action.