UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch





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Policy Finder


held on 14 MARCH 2005 in the
(Meeting of 21 February was inquorate)

The meeting was chaired by the Branch Chairperson, Barbara Foubister.


The Chair gave a briefing on the pensions campaign.


Four Scrutineers were appointed


The Branch Standing Orders were AGREED for the following year.


The minutes of the last Branch Annual General meeting of 23rd February 2004 were AGREED as a correct record with no matters arising.


No questions were raised on the Annual Report.


The meeting AGREED the financial statements.


Emergency Motion: The Service Conditions Co-ordinator appraised the meeting on Council proposals for the implementation of Job Evaluation and their desire to use a scheme different to that negotiated through the Scottish Joint Council.

An Emergency Motion was tabled and received the required support to be submitted to the Agenda.

Following the Service Conditions Co-ordinator's report the Emergency Motion was debated and CARRIED unanimously.

The terms of the motion were as follows:

Job Evaluation Developments

Proposed John Stevenson (Social Work) and John Mulgrew (LVJB)

In light of the Council's proposals to apply the Greater London Provincial Council Job Evaluation Scheme as opposed to the Scheme negotiated through the Scottish Joint Council this branch agrees that Branch Officers should

  • explore the details of both schemes
  • seek advice from UNISON Scotland Local Government
  • provide a report on the pros and cons of each scheme

Branch Officers should bring forward recommendations to a future Special General Meeting of the branch and to initiate a ballot of the Branch Membership if required.

The meeting also received a report from the Service Conditions Convener (APT&C) on the Government proposals for pension changes. On the advice of the Chairperson it was AGREED Motion 14 and relevant amendments would be taken at this point of the meeting.

Motion 14 - Pensions

Proposed John Ross (Housing) and John Stevenson (Social Work)

This Branch condemns Government proposals to change the Pension Regulations with the effect of

1. Raising the age for early retirement from 50 to 55, and

2. Reducing pension levels of any member of the superannuation scheme taking retirement before the age of 65 (excepting ill-health retirals).

We believe these attacks on pensions will lead to higher levels of poverty amongst those retiring in the future.

We welcome UNISON's role in leading the TUC's campaign against these proposals.

This meeting agrees to support all initiatives within the TUC's campaign up to and including strike action.

We also instruct Branch Officers to target a local campaign on this issue with MPs and MSPs throughout the Lothian's being the focus. This campaign should be with the involvement of the full branch membership.

Amendment to Motion 14 - Pensions

Proposed Irene Stout (Culture & Leisure) and Amanda Kerr (Culture & Leisure)

We welcome the overwhelming vote for a programme of action beginning with a day of Strike Action on Wednesday 23rd March and call upon all members to take part in picketing duties at their workplace followed by participation in the March and Rally scheduled to take place in Edinburgh on that day.

We note the ongoing dialogue between the Deputy Prime Minister and the unions on the proposed pension changes and call upon the government to withdraw their proposals and to enter into meaningful dialogue with a view to defining what the issues are and then to address them in partnership rather than imposition.

Following debate the motion as amended was CARRIED unanimously.


The undernoted were elected unopposed:

President:Joe Galletta
Chairperson: Barbara Foubister (Education)
Vice-Chairperson Matthew Creighton (City Development)
Lyn Williams (Social Work)
Secretary: John Stevenson (Social Work)
Assistant Secretary: Agnes Petkevicius (Education)
Treasurer: Mike McCrossan (Housing)
Service Conditions Co-ordinator: John Mulgrew (LVJB)
Service Conditions Convener (APT&C): John Ross (Housing)
Service Conditions Convener (Craft): Walter Weir (City Dev)
Service Conditions Convener (Manual): George Lee (Social Work)
Health & Safety Officer: Tom McLeod (City Dev)
Equalities Officer: Irene Stout (Culture & Leisure)
Education Officer: No nomination received
Communications Officer: John Stevenson (Social Work)
Welfare Officer: (Job-Share) Gillian Allan (LVJB) Mike Smith (Finance)
International Officer:Matthew Creighton
Service Conditions Officers (4): (at least two must be women)
Kevin Duguid (Finance)
Agnes Petkevicius (Education)
Elaine Wishart (Social Work)
Recruitment/Membership Officer: Irene Heggie (Finance)
Lifelong Learning Officer: Dot Paterson (Social Work)

No nominations were received for the post of Young Members Officer. Nominations will continue to be sought via the Branch Committee for this post.


The Chair advised the meeting the rule change requires a two-thirds majority to be passed and if passed will come into operation for the 2006 AGM.

Rules B and H Election of Branch Officers

Proposed John Stevenson (Social Work) and John Ross (Housing)

Rule B.1a): Delete "There will be an Annual General Meeting of the Branch to elect branch officers" and insert "There will be an annual General meeting of the Branch to receive a report on the ballot for election of branch officers and to confirm election to uncontested posts."

Standing Order H.6 Delete: "Election of Branch Officers," and insert "Report of any Ballot for Election of the following Branch Officers and confirm election to uncontested posts."

Standing Order H.21: Add the following: "Ballot papers for any contested posts will be sent to all members with the Annual Report. The closing date for return shall be three working days before the date of the AGM. Ballot papers will be counted by branch office staff and the result reported to the AGM. All ballot papers will be retained for 28 days to allow examination by any candidate.

NOTE: The effect of these rule changes would be to elect branch officers annually by postal ballot rather than by ballot at the AGM itself.

Decision: On being put to the meeting the Rule Change did NOT achieve the required two-thirds majority


The meeting AGREED the suggested priority order of business reflecting the need for an AGM decision and the urgency of the matter.

Motion 1 - Tsunami Disaster Appeal

Proposed by John Stevenson (Social Work) and John Ross (Housing)

This Branch meeting supports the actions of the Branch Committee in making a donation of £5,000 to the Disaster Emergency Committee's Appeal following the Tsunami disaster.

We note the National Executive Committee has called for specific donations towards assisting the Trade Union movement re-establish itself during the economic recovery of East Asia and agree a further branch donation of £2,000 for this purpose.

Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms of the Motion were AGREED.

Motion 15 - Industrial Action Fund

Proposed by John Ross (Housing) and John Stevenson (Social Work)

In accordance with Branch Rule D (12) (1) this Annual General Meeting agrees to transfer 10% of Branch Remission for 2004 from the General Account to the Industrial Action Fund (i.e. the Branch Hardship Fund).

(Branch Rule (12) (1)

It shall be funded by money transferred from the General Fund as agreed by the Branch from time to time limited to no more than 10% of branch remission in any one year, from donations or fund-raising activities and from any levy agreed by the branch under National Rules.)

Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms of the Motion were AGREED.

Motion 16 - Industrial Action Fund

Proposed by John Ross (Housing) and John Stevenson (Social Work)

This Branch meeting instructs Branch Officers to seek the agreement of the National Executive Council that this Branch can put in place a membership levy of no more than £1 per month with monies collected going to the Branch Industrial Action Fund (i.e. Branch Hardship Fund).

Decision: Motion was withdrawn

Motion 2 - Stock Transfer and the threat to service condition in Housing

Proposed by Housing Department shop Stewards Committee

In order to secure funding from the Scottish Executive the Council has decided to promote the transfer of the entire housing stock to a new Housing Association. The final decision will be taken by Council tenants who will vote in 2006 either for or against the transfer proposals.

While recognising that investment is badly needed this branch rejects that position for the following reasons:

Stock Transfer means privatisation of an essential public service and democratic control and accountability through elected councillors will be lost.

Post transfer there may be threats to terms and conditions of service as in Glasgow where despite a TUPE agreement the Glasgow Housing Association has now proposed annual job cuts of £1.75m and a performance related pay scheme which will replace both the annual pay award and automatic progression through the pay increments.

The closure of the Housing Department will also have a detrimental impact on jobs in other Council Departments as it buys £4.5m in goods and services from other departments.

Stock Transfer is an expensive option and both the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee and the National Audit Office have reported that Stock Transfer results in higher costs than Council's carrying out housing improvements themselves.

UNISON believes that the government should provide an Investment Allowance that would allow Councils to finance borrowing using the Prudential Borrowing arrangements.

The campaign for a ‘level playing field' in housing finance and for direct investment in Council housing is gaining momentum and successfully changed Labour Party policy at its last National Conference.

This branch therefore resolves to:

1. Defend any members faced with victimisation for standing by UNISON policy.

2. Seek advice about the legality of management instructions to members to canvas tenants for the Yes vote that may mean their transfer out of council employment.

3. Write to all members in the Housing Department to clarify UNISON's position and seek their views about the development of the campaign.

4. Apply to UNISON's General Political Fund for the resources to mount a campaign against Stock Transfer.

5. Write to the Council to insist that the information given to tenants sets out the case for and against transfer.

6. Affiliate to Edinburgh Against Stock Transfer which has been set up as a broad campaign to argue the case for the retention of Council Housing and to campaign for a No Vote in 2006.

Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms of the Motion were AGREED.

Motion 3 - Social Work Resource Crisis

Proposed by John Stevenson (Social Work) and John Ross (Housing)

This Branch condemns the apparent resource crisis in Social Work services as demonstrated in the recruitment freeze and lack of funds for delivering client services especially in community care.

It condemns reports that the £100,000 emergency money voted by the council to address issues in the External Audit of Child Protection has apparently been withdrawn.

This branch regrets that the funding crisis in Social Work only got widespread recognition in the aftermath of a tragedy. It is deeply concerned that funding cuts seem to have been re-initiated after the glare of publicity has passed.

This branch therefore resolves to:

  • maintain its campaign at local and national level to keep the funding crisis in the public eye.
  • continue to lobby politicians locally and nationally
  • contribute fully to all relevant reviews like ‘21st Century Social Work'
  • continue to be prepared to call for industrial action up to an including strike action if our members are forced into unsafe practice because of funding shortages.

Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms of the Motion were AGREED.

Motion 4 - Proposed New Care Homes

Proposed by George Lee (Social Work) and Kevin Duguid (Finance)

This meeting welcomes the decision of the City of Edinburgh Council to commit to building four new care homes for older people, in response to the business case outlined within the joint capacity plan (older people's accommodation).

We further note that the two hundred and forty beds created by these new builds will assist in resolving delayed discharges from much needed acute hospital beds.

This meeting also welcomes the involvement of older people in the design of the first of these new homes through the offices of SAGE.

However, we condemn the Council's proposal to place management of these new care homes out to competitive tender thereby potentially placing the care of the older people in the hands of the lowest bidder, not those best placed to provide the highest quality of service.

Whilst recognising the need for a mixed economy within care provision, we remain opposed to profit lead provision.

This meeting resolves to instruct:

  • Branch Officers to initiate a broad based campaign of opposition to the tendering process.
  • Branch Officers to seek urgent discussion with the Acting Director of Social Work to assess which options exist in relation to retaining the proposed new care homes within the management of the Council
  • Consult those members potentially affected by the Council's proposals with a view to establish their willingness to take industrial action in defence of in-house provision.

Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms of the Motion were AGREED.

Motion 5 - Pay Claim 2006 Onwards

Proposed by John Ross (Housing) and John Stevenson (Social Work)

This Branch reiterates its policy of campaigning for a Pay Commission for Scotland to address the long recognised deep-rooted problems in local government pay.

This Branch also recognises the need to involve members much more widely in the consultation before any Scottish pay claim is submitted.

This branch therefore resolved to set up machinery for workplace meetings, polls, questionnaires and briefings to run through 2005 to ensure the widest possible involvement in developing the pay claim and setting the mandate for our delegates to the national structures.

This AGM recognises the view of many members that the improvement in low pay is not being funded by councils but is being funded by limiting the conditions of other workers. the 2004 pay settlement must deliver real improvement for all staff.

Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms of the Motion were AGREED.

Motion 6 - Pay Claim 2006

This Branch believes that the pay claim must address the low pay in Local Government. The recent pay settlement based on low percentage annual awards had done little to resolve this problem.

We also recognise that a claim based solely on a simple percentage increase is unfavourable to our members on the lower grades of the pay scale.

We therefore call on UNISON to campaign for a claim consisting of an annual flat rate of £1,000 or 5% on each pay point, whichever is the greater.

Decision: Motion fell.

Motion 7 - Joint Trade Union Pay Consultation

This meeting acknowledges the concerns of our members over the protracted and un-defined consultation period of the joint trade unions over the current pay deal.

Whilst UNISON carried out a relatively quick and efficient consultation with its members, both the TGWU and the GMB's consultation period was significantly longer.

This meeting recognises that every union's consultation mechanism may differ due to their own rules and constitutions; however there must be co-ordination of timescales between the joint trade unions on the completion of consultations.

The failure to do this has merely served to undermine the position of trade unions within their membership and within the national bargaining process.

This meeting therefore instructs that:

1.The Scottish Local Government Executive enters into dialogue with the other joint trade unions to secure an agreement on co-ordinating jointly and timeously all future pay and national bargaining consultations.

2. That the terms of this motion are submitted to the Annual Scottish Local Government Conference.

Decision: On being put to the meeting the terms of the Motion were AGREED.

At this point of the meeting the Chair advised the AGM was closed with all remaining motions and vacant Branch Officers posts being remitted to the Branch Committee for decision and action.


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