UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch





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UNISON City of Edinburgh
Local Government & Related Sectors Branch

AGM 2003 Motions Passed

Emergency Motions
War in Iraq
Nursery Nurse National Regrading Claim
Council Budget, Cuts and Redundancies (local)
1. Accommodation and Downsizing
2. Salary Protection

Service Conditions Issues
3. Pay
4. PPP Transfer of Staff
5. Professional Registration Fees

The following motions were referred to the Branch Committee for decision

Pensions and Superannuation
6. Pensions
UNISON Services and Structure
7. Review of Political Funds
8. Disaffiliation from Edinburgh Trades Union Council
9. Branch Organisation
11. Conference Locations
Policy and Campaigning
12. Affiliation to UK Breast Cancer Coalition (UKBCC)
Economic Policy
13. Honorary Life Membership of UNISON for Aung San Suu Kyi
Motions ruled out of order
14. Nominations to other UNISON Committees and Forums
15. UNISON Political Funds Review



War in Iraq

Following Tony Blair's speech at the spring conference of the Scottish labour Party, it has become clear that the UNISON supported demonstrations in London and Glasgow would not be sufficient on their own to change his mind and stop the drive for war.

Therefore this branch reconfirms its opposition to war on Iraq and:

1. Calls on its members to take part in further protests organised by the Scottish Coalition for Justice Not War and the Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition, in particular in Parliament Square at 5pm on the day the war starts and on the Saturday following at 12 noon on the Mound.

2. Calls on the UNISON National Executive committee to call for the reconvening of the Trades Union Congress under Rule 8 (k) of its Rules and Standing Orders in the event of war to discuss industrial action.

TUC Rules and Standing Orders - Rule 8 (k) In order that the trade union movement may do everything which lies in its power to prevent future wars, the General Council shall, in the event of there being a danger of an outbreak of war, call a special Congress to decide on industrial action, such Congress to be called, if possible, before war is declared.

Amendment to delete point 2 was defeated.


Nursery Nurse National Regrading Claim

This Branch meeting notes a national regrading claim was submitted to CoSLA on behalf of all Nursery Nurses in Scotland. The response from our national employers was a rejection of that pay claim and an indication that they wish to erode current national Conditions of Service.

It was agreed at a meeting of Nursery Nurses within this branch (held on Tuesday 18 February) that we are prepared to take industrial action, up to and including strike action, in pursuit of a negotiated Pay Award which recognises the important role of this professional group of staff in the eduaction and care of our children.

This is being backed at a Scottish level by our negotiators and it is likely a national campaign will be embarked upon.

This Branch Meeting instructs branch officers to ensure that any local campaign is fully supported and suitably resourced. Further, we would seek the support of all Branch colleagues in our pursuit of a fair Pay Award.



1. Accommodation and Downsizing

Proposed: John Mulgrew (LVJB) Irene Stout (Culture & Leisure)

This meeting views with extreme concern the unambiguous comments from senior councillors and officials to the effect that, as a result of office rationalisation, there will be reductions in staffing levels. We note this will happen in conjunction with the opening of the new Council Headquarters (proposed completion date 2005).

We call upon the council to take measures at this time to identify potential areas for job loss and to put in place retraining programmes for threatened staff.

Other measures such as recruiting on a temporary basis to vacancies in threatened areas should be employed to mitigate any threat of compulsory redundancies.

We call upon Shop Stewards Committees to ensure this is a standing item on Departmental Joint Consultative Committee agendas and to put in place measures to maintain regular communications with those staff so threatened.


2. Salary Protection

Proposed: Kevin Duguid (Finance) John Mulgrew (LVJB)

This Branch notes with concern comments from lead council officials and councillors to the effect that the current agreement which provides for salary protection with no time limit will have to be withdrawn if the authority is to be able to afford application of the National Job Evaluation Scheme (due to be completed in April 2004).

The inevitable proposal will be to protect salaries for a period not exceeding three years. It is anticipated the outcome of Job Evaluation will be salary increases for approximately 20% of staff, no change for 60% and salary decreases for 20% of staff. This would lead to a potential 20% of members suffering salary decreases in 2006.

Such a proposal is unacceptable. We call upon Branch Officers to vigorously oppose any attempt to amend our current conditions for Salary Protection and to embark on a programme of Industrial Action if necessary.





3. Pay

Proposed: John Mulgrew (LVJB) George Lee (Social Work)
As amended by Douglas Linton (Finance) and Kevin Duguid (Finance)

This meeting notes the end of our 3 year pay deal following the final installment being put in place in April 2003.

We commit this Branch to oppose any attempt by the employers to move away from our national collective bargaining framework for pay increases

Further we recognise the application of a 3 year deal allowed for increases in pay beyond inflation rates and that it provided for an agreement which recognised the impact of the Scottish Executive's 3 year funding package for local government.

We note with concern, however, the problems of recruitment and retention of staff in local government with pay being a major impediment to attracting new recruits.

We call upon UNISON's Scottish Local Government Sector Group to enter into early discussions with the employers with a view to seeking full funding by the Scottish Executive for a 3 year pay deal which will maintain above-inflation awards whilst giving cognisance to other awards in the public sector.

Any pay award must also be inflation proofed, in that the award must be maintained at a minimum of 1% above the rate of inflation.

Furthermore, we call upon the Scottish Local Government Sector Group to initiate the setting up of a Local Government Pay Commission to try to help resolve not only the historical degradation in real terms of Local Government pay but also the problems mentioned above of recruitment and retention.




4. PPP Transfer of Staff

Proposed: George Lee (Social Work) Alan Brown (Education)

This meeting notes the recent PPP protocol which ensures a common set of Conditions of Service will apply to all staff involved in PPP schemes and those conditions will be those applied to those staff forced to transfer to the new service provider from the council employment.

Whilst reinforcing our commitment to continue to campaign against PPP schemes and their funding mechanisms which create huge profits for the private sector, we consider the implementation of this protocol will be a deterrent to the future involvement of potential Private Sector partners as they will no longer be able to profit from savings on the conditions of service applicable to workers, many of whom are amongst the lowest paid.

We call upon the Scottish Local Government Sector Group to build upon this protocol and to seek agreement with the employers at a national level on a policy of no future transfers of staff in any PPP scheme.



5. Professional Registration Fees

Proposed: Keith Dyer (Social Work) Kirsten Hey (Social Work)
As amended by Alex Paterson and Barry Dugan (City Development)

This Branch recognises that professional registration is a necessary requirement for workers in many areas of the Council and that it demonstrates professional competence, responsibility and development.

We acknowledge that some professions employed by the Council have been required to maintain registration in order to practice for many years and that the cost of registration has been the responsibility of the individual workers.

However, there is a recruitment and retention crisis across many parts of the Council. We recognise that the Branch is already in some discussion with the Council to look at solutions to this crisis.

This Branch resolves, as part of these discussions, to gain agreement that registration fees will be paid by the Council for all employees who are required to maintain registration or, alternatively, that salaries will be uprated to cover the cost of registration.



The following motions were referred to and passed by the Branch Committee


6. Pensions

Proposed: George Lee (Social Work) Walter Weir (City Development)

We view with extreme concern government comments that final salary pensions are no longer sustainable and that alternative provisions will have to be considered.

We note pension contributions are a form of deferred pay and that Local Government Pension Schemes have a reputation for stability in times of economic unrest. No evidence has been brought forward to suggest this would change in the future.

We call upon the National Executive Council to mount a campaign seeking protection of our pension rights being retained on the basis of final salary and to continue the fight to eradicate inequalities from our pension schemes.

In doing so we commit the union to take whatever measures required (up to and including Industrial Action) to achieve success in our campaign.




7. Review of Political Funds

Proposed: John Ross (Housing) George Lee (Social Work)

This Branch welcomes UNISON's review of its Political Funds but notes with regret the report to the 2003 National Conference has not been circulated in time to allow full consideration at branches' Annual General Meetings.

We note the legislation requires affiliation to a political party to be organised through a specific fund which members can choose to pay into if they so wish and that only those payments can be used in participating in the affairs of a political party.

It is our belief any review outcome must retain this element of choice. Whilst supporting affiliation to the Labour Party as a means by which we can influence party policy, we recognise there will always be elements of conflict between the aspirations of the union and those of the party.

Any review outcome must ensure the Affiliated Political Fund pursues UNISON's policies through Labour Party structures and not the reverse.

We urge the APF to review its workings and structures to create an open and democratic forum which facilitates the involvement of all those who choose to pay into it.

We believe the current structures of the General Political Fund meet the requirements of the membership in relation to broader campaigning and see no reason for radical change.

This meeting agrees to delegate powers to the Branch Committee to allow that body to submit suitable amendments to the Final report based on the terms of this motion and the following peinciples:

We believe that the APF has to:-

1. be more systematic about the alliances and actions necessary to influence Labour Party policy;

2. become more open about how it works;

3. become more accountable to its members through adopting delegate-based structures like the rest of the union;

4. have a degree of accountability to the bodies of the union which make the policies which the APF pursues, while protecting the principle that only APF levy-payers can determine the actions of the APF;

5. fight to change undemocratic policy-making structures in the Labour Party which have hindered the promoting of our policies



8. Disaffiliation from Edinburgh Trades Union Council

Proposed: John Stevenson (Social Work) John Ross (Housing)

This meeting notes that since our formation as the City of Edinburgh Branch we have maintained affiliation to the Edinburgh Trades Council and that this branch is the largest financial contributor to that forum.

We note with regret the decreasing influence of the Trades Council and the lack of involvement of this branch in their affairs. We also note the lack of activities relevant to the workings of the branch and the very low public profile of the Trades Council.

We recognise the growing benefits of links with the Lothian Trade Union & Community Resource Centre who have specific expertise in employment related issues ( such as Health & Safety ) which we have drawn upon.

This meeting agrees to disaffiliate from Edinburgh Trades Council and to become a lead sponsor of the Lothian Trade Union & Community Resource Centre at an initial cost of £1000.



9. Branch Organisation

Proposed: Matthew Crighton (City Development) Ann Henderson (City Development)

We recognise that there is a need to review the levels of participation in the activities in the branch and to revitalise it. After ensuring the continuation of high quality representation on service conditions issues this is the number one priority in the coming year.

This meeting instructs the incoming Branch Secretary and Branch Committee to put in place, from the first Branch Committee meeting of the new year, a process of reviewing and revitalising the operation of branch structures.

Without implying any particular criticisms or shortcomings in relation to any of the points below, this should include consideration of:

1. Recruitment of stewards and placing steward activity at the core of branch functions

2. Time off and training for stewards and officers

3. Member participation in membership-led union

4. Roles of Stewards Committees

5. Recruitment of members

6. Communications Strategy with members

7. Filling of Branch Officer positions

8. Public profile - campaigning for public services - implementation of last AGM's decision of a standing campaign committee

9. General meetings - attendance, frequency

10. Social, sports and family-related activities

This should be standing item on the Branch Committee agenda, through which the Branch Secretary should provide regular updates on progress. The Branch Secretary should draft a report on the outcomes of the review for the Branch Committee's approval and then for consideration at a future General Meeting (and no later than the next AGM); without delaying implementation of any necessary measures which do not require approval at that level.

Stewards' Committees should also consider these matters and it is recommended that they too have a standing item on this topic on their agenda.



11. Conference Locations

Proposed: Irene Stout (Culture & Leisure) John Ross (Housing)

Whilst recognising the restrictions on choice for the National Annual Conference (due to the scale of the event) this meeting states its concerns with the locations chosen for other conferences.

We note this year's National Women's Conference is to be held in Plymouth and that other locations such as Cardiff have been chosen in the past for Annual conferences of self-organised groups.

Whilst accepting the good standard of facilities we are concerned that the geographic location of these venues provides for travelling difficulties and can extend periods away from home for activists with family commitments.

The additional travelling time can also create problems in getting time off to attend with a three day conference requiring, on occasion, five days away from home.

We call upon the National Executive Council to ensure all conferences are held in locations with easy accessibility for the majority of delegates and that the location should be accessed by a mainline railway station.






12. Affiliation to UK Breast Cancer Coalition (UKBCC)

Proposed: Irene Stout (Culture & Leisure) Amanda Kerr (Culture & Leisure)

Formed in 1995 UKBCC have been champions of patient advocacy, working to inform and train women to take action and instigate improvements in breast cancer services in their area.

We believe the work of UKBCC to be of fundamental importance to the women of this Branch and agree to affiliate to UKBCC.




No motions


13. Honorary Life Membership of UNISON for Aung San Suu Kyi

Proposed: John Stevenson (Social Work) John Ross (Housing)

Conference congratulates UNISON for its support for the Burma Campaign UK (BCUK) and in particular for its ongoing campaign within the labour and trade union movement to pressurise international governments to impose investment sanctions on Burma.

For nearly 40 years Burma has been controlled by a military regime which has been condemned as one of the worst violators of human rights. The democratically elected President of Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi, has only recently been released from house arrest and remains unable to take up her role as leader of her country.

She has called for support from organisations such as independent trade unions to highlight the plight of her people.

Conference calls for Aung San Suu Kyi to be made an honorary life member of UNISON and for branches to press local authorities and Regional governments in their geographical areas to award her with freedom of the city, county or nation.

Such initiatives would raise the profile of Burmese issues which have too often slipped down the international agenda. We call upon UNISON to

1 embark on an awareness raising campaign within the membership

2 advise members on how they can support the work of BCUK at a local level

3 explore options for directly supporting some of the innovative international programmes which seek to provide educational opportunities for Burmese refugees

4 explore options in conjunction with the Federation of Trade Unions Burma for providing internships for refugees who are seeking experience of collective bargaining, globalisation, advocacy and representation

5 work within the labour and trade union movement at a national and international level on solidarity actions with the Federation of Trade Unions Burma

6 explore options for high profile awareness raising / fundraising events organised in conjunction with BCUK.




No motions



14. Nominations to other UNISON Committees and Forums

Proposed: David Hop (Social Work) Peter Sharma (Voluntary Sector)

This meeting supports the principles of the motion in the same name as tabled at last year's AGM but considers it acts against activists who are involved in other parts of the union but fail to be elected as a Shop Steward or as a Branch Officer.

This meeting agrees that all those active within the union at Scottish or National level (Scottish Committee, Scottish Council and all regional Self Organised Groups) should be automatically co-opted to the Branch Committee and have full rights as a delegate at this Committee with appropriate support.

President's Note: Under Branch Rule D.1, the Branch Committee has no power to co-opt members and so cannot be instructed by a policy motion to do so.

The Branch Committee structure is designed to ensure that all delegates are elected and accountable and includes shop stewards committee delegates, branch officers and two delegates from each self organised group within the branch.

However the Equalities Committee can co-opt members "where it would be of assistance in progressing a specific issue” under Rule D.5.



15. UNISON Political Funds Review

Proposed: Matthew Crichton (City Development) Walter Weir (City Development)

This meeting recognises the importance of our political activities; and also agrees with the intention of our predecessor unions, in founding the Labour Party, of seeking the election of a union-sponsored socialist party, rather than hoping that parties over which they had no direct influence would govern in the interests of working people.

We further recognise that both trade unions and the Labour Party inevitably encompass a broad range of views which will produce tensions especially when in power.

The meeting remembers the nightmare years of Conservative rule and recognises that the election of a Labour government in 1997 was a great step forward for working people and their unions.

However it also recognises and endorses the dissatisfaction felt within UNISON about key actions and policies of the Labour government on which we have strong and opposed views, for example, the privatisation of the provision of public services via PPP; and international policies like Iraq. We welcome the political funds review as an opportunity for the union to revise and improve the ways its political fund works, drawing on these experiences.

We believe that in the first instance the union has to improve the ways in which it pursues it political objectives, both through the GPF and the APF. As regards Labour Party affiliation, at this point the APF needs to fight for UNISON policies in the Labour Party. We applaud the start that has been made in this direction, for example in votes on PFI at Labour Conferences, but believe that the APF has to:

1. be more systematic about the alliances and actions necessary to influence Labour Party policy;

2. become more open about how it works;

3. become more accountable to its members through adopting delegate-based structures like the rest of the union;

4. have a degree of accountability to the bodies of the union which make the policies which the APF pursues, while protecting the principle that only APF levy-payers can determine the actions of the APF;

5. fight to change undemocratic policy-making structures in the Labour Party which have hindered the promoting of our policies

We recognise that the APF in this branch over recent years mapped out these policies and striven within the APF to get these implemented.

We call on the NEC to endorse these points and bring forward any rule changes which may be necessary for implementation of points 2, 3 and 4; and call on the APF to adopt changes in its structure and constitution which will deliver them.

For submission to Annual Conference.

President's Note: The NEC cannot be asked to bring forward rule changes regarding the internal organisation of the Affiliated Political Fund. Specifically it cannot bring forward a rule change as requested in Point 3 of the motion, ie to require ‘delegate-based structures' or any other internal structures.

The APF is governed by National Rule J. Rule J.8.5 Defines the basis of the Fund and that the fund can only support the Labour Party. Rule J.8.2 delegates the administration of the APF to the National Affiliated Fund Committee. The operational rules of the APF (1.1) state that any amendments to the APF Rules should require the agreement of the National Policy Forum of APF members.

In short, while National Conference could conceivably alter the fundamental basis of the Affiliated Political Fund (although because it was set up by a ballot, there is a view that only a ballot should change this), only APF members, paying into the fund can change the rules of how the fund is organised internally.



P&P by UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch, 23 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EN, tel
0131 220 5655, Fax 0131 225 9125.

E-mail branchoffice@unison-edinburgh.org.uk
