UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch





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Use the form below to send messages of support to the Edinburgh's Nursery Nurses.
We will post messages here as soon as possible

The Edinburgh strike ceases on 31 May 2004. Click here for full details of the vote and the settlement. You can still leave messages here for another week. For messages for nursery nurses in other authorities who are still out, use the UNISONScotland link.

Email Address
*Note: Required field.
Message of support

Financial donations to the strike fund should be sent to

Branch Treasurer
UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch
23 George IV Bridge
Edinburgh EH1 1EN
Tel 0131 220 5655, Fax 0131 225 9125
Make cheques out to UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch

All money collected by the branch will stay in the branch and be distributed locally to the strikers
on the basis of need.

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