Conditions/Agreements - City of Edinburgh Council

1. Car Allowances File

1(i) Assisted Car Purchase

A new assisted car purchase scheme is in place from the end of July 1998 with the following conditions:-

Local departmental talks on ‘essential’ designation were due.

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1(iii) Car Leasing Scheme

The car leasing scheme is based on value of car and assessed annual business and private mileage. Employees sign up to a three year deal. If actual mileages differ from the assessed mileages, you may either face a surcharge or a rebate.

No monthly lump sum is paid to lease holders but the lease includes servicing etc. Mileage is paid at the petrol element rate only, much less than the rate if you own your car.

Insurance can be a problem in that there is a compulsory excess. The scheme is taxable.

You can get details of how much a lease would cost you by contacting the car leasing section. UNISON's view is that the current scheme remains unattractive and members should shop around.

Subject Index | Alphabetical Index | Conditions Index



Subject Index | Alphabetical Index | Conditions Index