Conditions/Agreements - City of Edinburgh Council

7. Leave & Working Week File


7 (v) Family Care Leave

This agreement covers...

Maternity provisions

(xiv) Maternity Support Leave


7 (vii) Hours of work

Single Status is due to bring changes to working weeks eventually reducing manual workers to 37 hours, although the aim is to reduce all staff to the same working week.

From 1 April 2000

APT&C = 36.25 hours
Manual = 38 hours (15 mins reduction, national talks on reducing further 45 mins)
Residential and SW nursery = 38 hours (one hour reduction)

7 (xii) Maternity Support Leave

a) leave to accompany woman who is pregnant to ante-natal appointments. Maximum = paid leave for three appointments

b) Leave at and around time of birth: Paid leave 5 working days


Must notify head of department as soon as possible of the pregnancy.

Employee must be child's father or partner or nominated carer of the mother.




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