Conditions/Agreements - City of Edinburgh Council

11. Salaries File

11(xxii) Overtime payments


To follow

Over AP4 (Honoraria)

Under national conditions, overtime payments stop at the top of AP4. However, agreement has been reached on continuing the practice of both the District and the Region in allowing for payments.

These are for planned overtime, emergencies and attending meetings outwith normal hours.

In general, payments will be based on a notional salary of the top of AP5, but up to S03, the actual rate can be paid in exceptional circumstances.

A major improvement is the extension of this to job sharers and part time workers who previously had to work 35 hours 45 minutes before honoraria or overtime would apply.

Staff should be aware that there is a level of managerial discretion as to if and what to pay. So if asked to do overtime, check what is on offer. If you don’t like it, don’t do it.

Talks are under way to address current local deals on overtime payments to ensure no-one loses out.

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