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UNISON Occupational Therapists' Meeting

Minutes of Occupational Therapists' UNISON Meeting held Friday 20th August at 12.12pm, Conference Room, Shrubhill

Kirsten Hey, Diane Muir, Paddy Corscadden, Margaret Whitehead, Gill Paterson, Sheila Wallace, Jill Wallis, Luannah Fairgrieve, Jacq Moore, Gill Robertson, Frances Macnamara, Lindsay Munro, Fiona Brownlee, Barrie Ross, Sally Murray

Julia Pendreigh, Lynne Fell, Liz Gilmour, Helen Ryan, Tirion Dickson

  • This meeting was seen as a chance to pick up on previous work done by Senior OTs

  • Discussed need for dedicated head of OT service

  • Kirsten advised of proposal from Employee Development for creation of OT development/training officer post - meeting was supportive of this

  • Staff talked about frustration at not having an OT service manager - felt this is needed

  • Used to be 3 divisional OTs and district head, then all were removed

  • Paediatrics staff state their service has been taken over by health - works on a health model - has been raised with Roy and Christina. Seaview does not fall under community care or paediatrics - child & family centres are managed via Children & Families - health are also keen to see this reviewed

  • Should there be OTs in children & families? How should this be managed? 20% of caseload is C&F - not sufficient for one worker. Should we have specialised OTs dealing with children's equipment in the community?

  • £700 000 supporting people money has been allocated to SW Dept - Bill King trying to get it used for hospital discharge teams

  • Kirsten fed back on conversation she had had with steward in Housing re stock transfer - what would happen to OTs in housing if housing stock transferred to housing association? Kirsten had suggested that OTs should be brought into SW Dept. Meeting felt that OT posts in housing need a clear remit, which seems to have been lost over the past few years

  • OT posts in SW Dept need career development - this might be easier with a central OT structure

  • Senior practitioner posts are needed ?based on teaching and training

  • Senior OTs are more comparable with PTMs than SSWs

  • There is nowhere to take OT issues - no head of service, no OT in high level management

  • Could senior practitioners be involved in supervision of assistants?

  • CPD allows specialisation

  • There is a lack of post qualifying OT training

  • Should we have specialist posts in certain areas?

  • Should courses & training be the way to gain senior practitioner posts? Should career development depend on availability of training budget?

  • We should consider new structures with heads of OT service

  • Should we request a temporary post to review OT structures and compare with other local authorities? Kirsten to write to Duncan MacAulay to request creation of a temporary post (?secondment) to research other areas, plan a structure and act as operational head through changes

Action Required

  • Kirsten to write to Duncan re above

  • OTs to come up with proposals/thoughts re possible new OT structures

  • Group to meet again at end of September/beginning of October to draw proposals together