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UNISON News Headlines

.UNISON News December 2007


What the cuts mean

Care at home/domiciliary care is restricted to those who meet critical criteria and for hospital discharge. Once seen as not to be 'critical' the service will be withdrawn.

  • Only one hot meal per day, a frozen meal, 30 mins allocated

  • Increasing charges for services

  • A new Care Home built by the department is now run by a private care company Four Seasons. lWithdrawal of the shopping service

  • The use of short 30 minute and 15 minute visits to be maximised. Less time for care.

  • Restrictions for Care Home placements

  • A general rundown of the Home Care services and more going out to private agencies.

Since these cuts have been implemented, staff are under even more pressure to provide a service which is rushed, leaving service-users with less choice and a service that only maintains a basic level of care.

The workforce are frustrated and demoralised as their professionalism is being continually compromised.

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