Consultation starts on 2008 pay claim
UNISON Scotland's Local Government Committee has now issued timescales
for their Pay Consultation talks for the creation of a pay claim
linked to 1 April 2008.
The consultation document along with some background papers have
been passed to local stewards who can be contacted for information.
If your workplace does not have a steward, copies of the materials
can be obtained from the Branch Office.
The consultation focuses on specific issues such as...
- Should we be seeking a one year deal or spread it over several
years as has been the norm in the recent past?
- Should it be flat-rate? If so, what figure should be applied?
l Should it be percentage-based? If so, what figure should be
applied ?
- Should there be elements of flat-rate and percentage ? If
so, what figures should be applied?
As the results of local consultation have to be back in HQ by
the start of August we will not be able to embark and complete
a fair consultation on these options.
The Branch, however, does have a policy arrived at through democratic
processes at this year's AGM. That noted the need to link into
the current three-year funding by the Scottish Executive.
However it also called for a claim that clawed back the growing
gulf between private and public sector pay. It also demanded a
re-opening of talks if any deal was overtaken by the average rate
of earnings.
George Lee, Branch Secretary said "This motion was clearly framed
to lay down certain protections without boxing our negotiators
into a corner where they would be forced to make specific demands
with no options to negotiate around.
"We are also unclear how the new Scottish Parliament Executive
views public sector pay awards given they are seeking Council
Tax freezes for the next few years whilst they work up options
for a revised Income Tax.
"If we are to get a fair pay increase in the coming years we
need to know where our opponents are coming from. Only then can
we decide the best way forward."
The Branch motion will now be submitted for debate at a forthcoming
special Local Government meeting and the outcome will be forwarded
to all branch members as soon as it is available.
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