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Equal Pay
What the union is doing
September 2005
In recent weeks, there has been much publicity
about 'no win, no fee' lawyers taking equal pay claims.
It is important to know what the union has been doing
about equal pay and where we are at the moment.
As long ago as 1999, members were balloted on and agreed
to a 'Single Status' agreement with Scottish councils.
This agreement created a single pay structure and job
evaluation exercises which would assess every job in
local government and ensure that equal pay was achieved.
The problem of course is that Single Status has not
been implemented. We have been arguing for fair pay
across local government, but some employers have simply
not wanted to know. The council (along with most others
throughout Scotland) have failed to deliver on their
part of the bargain which was an 'equality proof' job
evaluation scheme.
So the union in Scotland has also been building up
information on likely test tribunal cases which we are
now ready to use on employers who won't talk to us.
Indeed, we are now at a very advanced stage in taking
cases. UNISON has hundreds lodged across the UK and
has concluded agreements worth millions of pounds.
The problems we face as a union are different from
those of a private enterprise seeking to make profits
out of equal pay claims. These organisations only look
to 'cherry pick' cases. We need to consider the whole
workforce. It is fact that many equal pay court settlements
in England have led to cuts in staff to pay for it.
The only real way to equal pay is a negotiated collective
Some of the issues that confront us in this are as
- Equal pay claims do not solve the problem of low
pay. Employers can address the problem by reducing
the grades of comparator jobs. So long as pay is equal,
it does not have to be good.
- The council's long delay in even attempting to implement
the Job Evaluation part of Single Status. The council
now wants us to consider the 'Greater London' scheme
rather than the Scottish Joint Council scheme recommended
in the agreement. As a result of an AGM decision this
year we are mandated to investigate this and report
back. At first sight, the Greater London scheme will
have fewer extremes of 'winners and losers' but we
do not yet have evidence of it being 'equality proof'.
- The delay in implementing Job Evaluation has led
to many staff being underpaid for longer than they
should have been. In most schemes there is some benefit
for lower paid workers but the main beneficiaries
tend not to be at that level. That needs to be dealt
with in general pay claims.
- Currently in Edinburgh, due to a local agreement,
if your job is downgraded as part of a review, you
get protected salary until you voluntarily move job.
This protection is a crucial issue in job evaluation
where some jobs will be higher graded but some will
be lower graded.
- We have also for some time been trying to negotiate
nationally and locally for back pay and compensation
for all staff affected by unequal pay so that there
will be no need for them to go through lengthy (and
sometimes uncertain) legal proceedings.
Our overall worry is that individual equal pay claims
will not result in equal pay for all and may result
in redundancy or cuts to pay for them. That is why
a negotiated and collective settlement is essential
rather than 'cherry picking' by a private outfit that
stands to make lots of money out of the process rather
than having any real commitment to resolving equal
pay. If comparator groups are equally low paid, this
company will of course not be interested.
However, because the council has dragged its feet,
we have been forced in recent months to write out
to selected groups (eg Home Care and Catering) to
ask them to fill in forms to consider tribunal cases.
We will take these if needed but the best resolution
is an agreement with the council across the board
with back pay and compensation.
I hope this explains that the union has been working
hard on this issue for at least six years and that
we are fighting for a resolution that will benefit
all of our members suffering unequal pay, not just
those who have a case that a private company may be
able to make money out of. If that cannot be achieved,
then we will lodge claims.