UNISON calls for real modernisation and
partnership to make services Positively Public
UNISON is calling on Scotland's First Minister elect to abandon
'outdated' privatisation and PFI schemes and to look at imaginative
ways to modernise public services by giving them the public
investment they need.
UNISON will make the call at an Edinburgh Trade Union Council
Rally for Public Services in the Assembly Rooms George Street
Edinburgh at 2pm on Saturday 17 November.
John Stevenson, the union's Edinburgh Branch Secretary and
chair of its Scottish Campaigns Committee said, "We want modern
public services. Grown-up public services. Public services that
are so modern, there might be enough homes and foster parents
to go round to protect and help children in trouble.
"Public services that are so modern that when you build a new
hospital you get more beds, not less.
"Public services that are so modern that they
do not go back to the private, profit driven services that collapsed
and had to be brought into public control by our forebears."
Mr Stevenson slammed PFI as "bleeding funds from
other services to pay for private profit."
"You pay for it, I pay for it - and because it is tied up in
30 year contracts, our children pay for it and their children
pay for it", he warned.
UNISON was offering a partnership to the government.
"We should rightly praise the achievements of our Scottish Parliament
and give credit where it is due", said Mr Stevenson.
"But part of any partnership must be mutual respect. And that
means listening to your friends and being big enough to recognise
that the people who actually deliver the services have valid
points to make.
"Only then will be be able to deliver services that are accountable,
efficient, delivered by a valued and properly paid team and
truly Positively Public".
Click here for full speech
Further Information
John Stevenson: 0131 220 5655