Conference 2001 Index
Many issues this year were specific to England,
Wales and Northern Ireland since Scotland now
has a separate bargaining structure and most
issues come under the Scottish Parliament as
opposed to Westminster. Speakers were not always
clear as to whether the issue was confined UK-wide
or not.
The delegation did vote where issues of principle
could affect Scotland. For example we supported
Motion 6 to consult branches on pay in
principle but abstained from 6.1 and 6.2 since
they referred only to the England & Wales
bargaining structure.
16. Fair Pay and a Two-tier Workforce (CARRIED)
Conference decided that the union must campaign
for fair employment legislation to try to prevent
a two-tier workforce developing where privatisation
has taken place. It also decided to call on
the government to ratify the ILO Labour Clause
for Public Contracts (Convention No 94) which
seeks to protect the pay and conditions of all
public sector workers regardless of who employs
them. UNISON also committed itself to organising
strongly among workers and UNISON members in
public services provided by private employers.
Branch supported
(*) 21. Future of Local Government (CARRIED
amended by 21.1)
Conference sent a clear and resounding message
to the new Labour government as it begins its
second term in office: "we will fight privatisation
and a two-tier workforce and we will campaign
for fair employment legislation. "Where
services are privatised, the union will work
hard to recruit new members and keep existing
ones, said Malcolm Wing of the Service Group
Executive. Conference also decided to amend
UNISON's Charter for the Public Services to
fully reflect the union's opposition to Best
Value. Branch supported the motion and after
listening to the debate opposed the amendment
(mandate L to O).
25 Privatisation of Education Services (CARRIED)
Conference deplored the continuation of
the government's drive towards the privatisation
of education services and will vigorously oppose
it. The union will monitor the activities of
private companies with education contracts and
will support branches opposing them, if necessary
by use of industrial action. Branch supported
Comp B Single Status Agreement (7&9)
Adequate funding to back Single Status south
of the border, trying to ensure more national
bargaining and seek legal advice on defining
a trade dispute. Branch supported
(*) 48 Youth Workers (CARRIED)
Concerns about the ConneXions Service draining
finance from existing service and absorbing
Youth Services in England. Result is threat
to NJC conditions. Campaign to defend service
and staff conditions. Branch mandate to listen
but beware a split in Youth Workers. Delegation
satisfied OK and supported.
Comp A (33, 35, 35.1) Health Care and Social
Local democracy is in danger if 'huge parts'
of local government are transferred to the NHS,
delegates were warned. The Health and Social
Care Act, which paves the way for primary care
trusts, will undermine local partnership working
and threaten local accountability of social
care services.
Care trusts would have implications for UNISON
structures, as members from local government
and health branches would find themselves with
new employers. Conference agreed to campaign
vigorously against care trusts, but work to
ensure that section 31 partnerships are established
without harming services or jobs. Branch
20 Organising in Private Companies (CARRIED)
Map workplaces, highlight negative results
of privatisation, backup resources for branches,
seek voluntary recognition agreements or pursue
under the law, look at flexible ways or organising
members to meet their needs, resources for branches,
seminars and publicity campaign. Branch supported.
13, 13.1 LG Pension Scheme and the Labour
Govt Attack on Ill-health
Retirement (CARRIED)
Conference condemned attacks on ill health
retirement pensions and pledged support the
National Pensioners Convention campaign to protect
public sector pension schemes. Delegates heard
that criteria for early retirement on grounds
of ill health were being tightened under government
proposals. They backed a call to seeking to
protect members dismissed as a result of long
term illness and urged employers to offer improved
occupational health advice, redeployment opportunities
and flexibility in ill health compensation.
Branch Supported
31 and 32 Housing Stock Transfer (CARRIED)
In spite of Scottish branches' attempts
(including Edinburgh), the Housing Stock grouped
debate opposed Arms Length Companies in principle
and could result in a distortion of UNISON's
campaign against Housing Stock Transfer.
Opposition to arms length companies will, in
fact, remove an option, which could offer a
middle ground between retention of housing stock
under local authorities and full-scale transfer.
Mary Crichton, Scottish Regional Delegate said
"In Glasgow, one of the largest proposals
is being vigorously opposed in a joint tenant/UNISON
campaign with UNISON playing a crucial role.
We do, however, have serious problems with a
proposal which would rule out any consideration
of arms length companies. In many ways, we in
Scotland wish we had to opportunity to say no
to them. The Scottish Executive in its housing
proposals is ruling out any option other than
stock transfer"
Angela Lynes, Glasgow City Council Branch Secretary
said "Arms Length Companies would be an
alternative we would want to explore. Our campaign
against Housing Stock Transfer is still going
strong. 5,500 UNISON members livelihoods are
at risk and this ties our hands at a national
UNISON will try to ensure that if the proposals
are enacted, and where councils do want to introduce
arms length companies tenants, trade unions
and staff must be fully consulted and a ballot
held. Branch supported 31 but opposed 32
because of the arms length issue.
14, 14.1 Job Security (CARRIED)
Conference backed a call to campaign against
casualisation in local government. Sarah Bradfield
from the National Young Members Forum urged
the SGE to develop the Invest for Change campaign
and to continue the work against PFI.
She said the impact of PFI on local government
had created a two-tier workforce where staff
were employed on poorer terms and conditions.
Branch supported
(**) 26 School Support Staff (CARRIED)
Oppose Local Management, support for negotiating
Single Status, additional funding for pay, best
practice on gradings and end discrimination
and have all staff on national scales. Amendment
added issue of term time contracts and look
for improvements like those won in NI. Branch
supported motion. Mandate on amendment was Listen
to oppose because `soft' on term time working.
In the event the amendment proved to be constructive
in a strategy for improvements so delegation
supported 26.1.
24 Age Discrimination in Local Government
Campaign for a statutory code, publicise
good policies, monitor adverts, take grievances
and issue guidelines to branches. Branch
5 Equal Pay (CARRIED)
Lobby for adequate funds to implement Single
Status so that women do not get re-evaluated
jobs at expense of other low paid workers. Training,
updates for branches. 5.1 sought to mainstream
the issue and develop JE strategies to combat
discrimination. Branch supported
Comp B Further Education Pay Award (41,42)
Campaign to get the 50% of colleges who
have not paid up, to pay up - make recruitment
a key issue to carry the necessary strength.
Branch supported
43 Community and Voluntary Sector Organisation
Members working in the sector should be
allocated to Health or Local Government branches.
Strategies for recruitment and organisation,
partnership with employers, specific resources
needed for branches organising in this area.
Branch supported
(*) 17 Best Value - Best Value for Who?
Welcomes Northern Region report showing
the conflict between best value and the Government's
Social Inclusion agenda. Makes a range of recommendations
like changing emphasis from cuts to reward;
commitment to public services; encourage innovation;
bring social need into equation; widen powers
to extend services. Seeks to delete competition,
league tables and savings requirement. Would
remove involvement of private sector, inhibiting
financial regulations and restrictions on LA's
involving in trade. Branch supported motion
and 17.1. Mandate on 17.1 had been to listen
and delegation reassured that it did not mean
total withdrawal from engaging in getting improvements,
merely stated our policy of opposition to current
Best Value legislation.
(*) 19.1 Partnership Working in Local Government
Would have totally ruled out any partnerships
while we are in favour of constructive partnerships.
Amendment improved and we supported. Branch
supported amendment (mandate) but opposed the
main motion (mandate to Listen. Did so and saw
motion as negative and against branch policy
set at previous AGM).
(*) 8 Single Status Agreement (FELL)
Main issue was national industrial action
to get amendments to Single Status. Branch
opposed (mandate was L to O)
11, 11.1 Car Expense Payments (CARRIED)
Wattie Weir moved our amendment to this
motion which was accepted and carried. The motion
was about a review of car allowances to reflect
actual cost. Our amendment also takes road tolls
into account if encountered on duty, and at
all times for disabled members who need to use
a vehicle. No member should suffer detriment.
Branch supported and Wattie Weir spoke.
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