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Conference 2001
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Report from National Delegate Conference and Local Government Service Group Conference
Brighton 18-22 June 2001

Conference Recommendations and Action List

7. Recommendations

A) Conference procedures and guidelines working well and should be maintained.

B) Whole day out, followed by shorter session for delegation to go over business worked well and should be adopted as general practice.

C) Motions should be put through Branch Committee before AGM to avoid delays and missing deadline.

D) Conference travel and accommodation arrangements should ensure all delegates can remain until close of business on Friday.

18. Branch Action List
from National Conference and Local Government Service Group Conference (In order passed by Conference, NOT in priority order)

1) Short term Contracts: Negotiate Reduction in short term contracts. Branch already has policy locally.

2) Low Pay: Review employers we cover, seek improvements, name and shame low payers.

3) Term Time Workers: Link in with LG Service Group strategy. Oppose local management of schools, look at Northern Ireland improvements for term time workers with a view to negotiating along those lines.

4) Public Services: Send people to Durham Miners Gala in July. Use all media opportunities to emphasise need for direct provision of services. Link in with positively Public Campaign.

5) Branch Funding: Ensure Hardship and Property Funds accounted separately. Ensure list of Vol & Comm sector employers is correct.

6) Racism: Ensure stewards have opportunity to go on appropriate training

7) Organising - Our Future: Develop Branch Development plan, make links with other branches.

8) Rules: Given failure to address rules problem, branch should consider setting out its own rule change on disciplinary rules for 2002.

9) Stress in the Workplace: Monitor staff turnover, collate problems, negotiate measures like on-site counselling.

10) Ethical Trading Policy: Back campaigns like Rugmark.

11) Human Rights & Bill of Rights: Involve members in securing and exercising rights.

12) Integrating young members: Ensure Young members Officer post filled, set up forums for young members ideas etc.

13) Robert Hamill Campaign: Publicise with members.

14) Counselling Service for Lay Members: Look at what the branch can provide for activists while awaiting report.

15) Development of Stewards Organisation: Target younger members, maintain and improve local training a resource support.

16) Privatisation of Education Services: Monitor private contracts, oppose them and if necessary by industrial action.

17) Health Care and Social Care: Oppose assimilation of LG services into NHS for reasons of local accountability.

18) Organising in Private Companies: Map workplaces, seek recognition agreements through law if necessary. Look at new structures to support members and highlight negative effects of privatisation.

19) Housing Stock Transfer: Campaign for NO votes in ballots.

20) Car Expense Payments: Ensure no member suffers detriment, especially in relation to Road Tolls.

John Stevenson
Branch Secretary

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