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UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch


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Health and Safety Online Advice

Use this form and click the 'Submit Query' button once for Health and Safety queries. The Health and Safety Officer will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Please consult your steward or local rep first and please see the important note below.

Steward Member
First Name/Initials
Membership No
Email Address
Enquiry/ Question



If you don't know your membership number, contact the branch office on 0131 558 7488.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Advice given via this website will only be general advice based on your question. Most issues depend on your individual circumstances, employer and contract of employment. Advice given via the website is therefore not a definitive statement of your rights under agreements or the law and it may not be applicable to your particular circumstances. Advice on agreements will be based on the Branch's interpretation of those agreements which may not be shared by the employer and may require to be tested through appeal structures.

Your employer should hold copies of agreements affecting your conditions and they should be available to you at your workplace on request.




Frequently Asked Questions

These will be added to as we collate frequently asked questions

For part of my working day I am travelling on Council business. My manager says that he doesn't have to risk assess this part of my job. I don't think this is correct. Can you help?

I am pregnant and I have notified my manager. Do they have to undertake a Risk Assessment?


Q; I am pregnant and I have notified my manager. Do they have to undertake a Risk Assessment?

A: Yes. Because they employ women of child bearing age they will already have carried out a generic Risk Assessment (RA) of the post. Now that you have notified them of your pregnancy they require to carry out an individual RA as well. The law requires the individual RA to be carried out "urgently" so if your manager does not know what to do they should seek guidance through their usual management channels".


Q: For part of my working day I am travelling on Council business. My manager says that he doesn't have to risk assess this part of my job. I don't think this is correct. Can you help?

A: The HSE advice is that an employer has a duty of care for a person while that person is at work. Work includes when a worker has to travel as part of his or her work. The employer has a legal requirement to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment taking into account the risks involved with travelling through the course of work. If your manager refuses to risk assess this work please contact your Safety Rep or the Branch Health and safety Officer care of the Branch Office


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Website Design
Website designed and maintained by John Stevenson (Communications Officer)
© UNISON City of Edinburgh Local Government & Related Sectors Branch 1998-2008.
All original graphics copyright but may be used if credited in source code.



See also...

Health and Safety

About the Branch