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Nursery Nurses Campaign

Nursery Nurses Answers

Questions arising from meeting on 20 May 2004 - more will be posted as they arise.

Q. What is the hourly rate for unqualified learning assistants and how will we compare?

A. Learning assistants get £5.41 - £7.21 per hour. The nursery nurse offer has £9.83 at the top.

Q. What happens to supply nursery nurses with the lump sum?

A. We have raised this with management and will speak again on Monday 24 May.

Q. Do we have to be called Early Years Workers?

A. There was some suggestion that council may be open to discussion on this and we will certainly try to change the title of the job.

Q. What happens to the different hours/weeks at Cowgate?

A. This has been raised and will be followed through by two branch officers. Staff should at least get the 52 week rate and nursery asisstants are also being addressed.





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Website designed and maintained by John Stevenson (Communications Officer)
© UNISON City of Edinburgh Local Government & Related Sectors Branch 1998-2008.
All original graphics copyright but may be used if credited in source code.



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Nursery Nurses Home

UNISON Scotland Nursery Nurse Campaign Pages

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