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Nursery Nurses Dispute

We are being criticised for not exempting Special Needs - these are the facts

  • We accept you cannot have a strike in a public service that doesn't hurt anyone. That is why UNISON has a standard emergency cover principle - to accept emergency cover to protect children from life and limb risk. This is being followed in this case.

  • All kids will suffer because of this dispute. All parents will need to make alternative childcare arrangements. It would be unfair and very difficult to single out one category to exempt.

  • With increasing integration of special needs children into mainstream nurseries/ schools, just about every establishment be affected. A blanket exemption would mean no strike and that is all the employers want - they want to sit it out, do nothing and blackmail us out of our claim.

  • Conversely nursery nurses have spent two years discussing and arguing and one year taking lesser action - precisely because we don't want to hurt children's education or to disrupt parents' working lives any more than they have to.

  • Nursery Nurses provide valuable/vital services like this type of care. These are being put at risk by employers failing to treat their low pay seriously.

  • No nursery nurse wants to damage and disrupt the service they provide. But faced with utter refusal of employees to recognise the need and desire for Scottish regrading. They have had to take the only step possible - all out strike.

Parents must put pressure on their councils to say to COSLA - 'get back round the table' Pay nursery nurses a fair wage.




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Website designed and maintained by John Stevenson (Communications Officer)
© UNISON City of Edinburgh Local Government & Related Sectors Branch 1998-2008.
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See also...

Nursery Nurses Home

UNISON Scotland Nursery Nurse Campaign Pages

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