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Nursery Nurses Campaign

Nursery Nurse Dispute

6 April: Evening News story

In case today's Evening News Headline causes any confusion, please read the whole story. There are no local talks and the position is still the same as agreed at the Nursery Nurse meeting on 5 April (below). There will be no further movement until after the UNISON meeting with CoSLA on Wed 7 April (evening). Look out for updates here as soon as we get them.

Nursery Nurse meeting 5 April - Decisions and Branch Secretary Report

The meeting decided to mandate the Branch Secretary to enter into talks to clarify the offer locally while continuing to be committed to national bargaining. The Branch Secretary only to do this in the context of collating information for discussion at national level and when the OK is given by the UNISONScotland Organiser for Local Government.


National Position

Your Nursery Nurses Working Group took a recommendation to the National Industrial Action Committee in London on Wed 31 March which was accepted. This called for:

1. Clarification of local offers

2. These offers to be brought to Scottish level to identify best practice

3. Attempts to be made to achieve consistent offers across councils as a 'national' position.

4. The action to continue.

Request for talks from CoSLA

On Tue 30 March, CoSLA asked for talks but not negotiations with UNISON. UNISON is responding to this but believes that it is probably not a way forward if it is only a response to pressure from the First Minister. We are awaiting word of what transpires.

Despite what may have been reported in the press, there have been no talks with CoSLA and no request from UNISON to end the dispute. This resulted from a mistaken briefing by a political spokesperson and other unknown quarters. There have been no 'behind closed doors' talks and the meeting with CoSLA referred to by the press was in fact a meeting about Single Status and Job Evaluation.

Local Position

The City of Edinburgh has presented a 'clarified' offer which at first sight looks like probably the worst in Scotland and is still a pay cut from £13,896 at the top of the grade to £13,514 if you compare like with like, ie 39 weeks and 32.5 hours.

The main differences from the previous offer are:

1. The extra 2.5 hours are dropped pending local agreement

2. Back pay to 1 April 2003

3. A commitment to revise job outlines, titles and career progression with the union.

4. This is clearly labeled as an 'initial' proposal (their italics).

Other local settlements

It has been very difficult to get accurate details on local settlements and I suspect some local officials may not always have understood them. The only documented offers I have are documented below.

What you need to decide

As I said at the last meeting, it will not be enough to take Edinburgh's paper offer (or anyone's paper offer) into national level. We will need to clarify what they mean by 'initial' and tease out what their best offer might be.

I am therefore seeking your authority to enter into talks to clarify the offer locally - but not to settle. This will only be to see if a final offer is enough to put into the national structure. I cannot do this unless you agree and I cannot do this until the go-ahead comes from UNISONScotland's head of local government later this week.

John Stevenson
Branch Secretary


In most cases 39 weeks is calculated as 45.656 weeks to take into account holiday entitlement for staff with over 5 years service - it does not mean working any more weeks than 39. The deals will therefore be slightly less for those with less than 5 years service. The main point is that I have tried to compare what nursery nurses are earning now for a 39 week year at the top of the scale with what they would earn working the same 39 weeks.

Most of the offers are pro-rata but the figures show what staff would actually be paid for 39 weeks. 52 week staff would be paid about 33% more.

Perth & Kinross
£13,896 moves to £15,352 which they say is the national offer.

£13,896 moves to £15,352 52 week
35 hr staff move from 16,449 to 18,441. They also say this is the national offer.

Difficult to calculate as it places 52 week equivalent on AP3 (£17,340 to £19,029) for 36.25 hours. But if it is based on 45.656 weeks (ie 39 plus holidays) it would be:- £13, 896 moves to £14,979

East Renfrewshire
Based on a 35 hour week
£13,896 moves to £16,360

Based on 35 hours
From 1 April 2004 £13,896 moves to £15,761
From 1 April 2005 £13,896 moves to £16,242

South Lanarkshire
Based on 35 hours, 39 weeks, although they have a higher rate at the top to begin with:-
£14,698 moves to £15,777

£13,896 moves to £14,817 BUT you have to work 41 instead of 39 weeks.



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