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Pensions Strike Day Rally

Edinburgh 28 March 2006

Assemble 12.00 Market Street (click here for map)

March off 12.30 via Waverley Bridge, Princes Street and Lothian Road to Princes Street Gardens

1.30pm Rally at Ross Bandstand, Princes Street Gardens

Resources and materials:

Placards, stickers and leaflets can be picked up at the UNISON Edinburgh Branch Office, 23 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh from Sunday 26 March.

On the strike day, branch officers will tour picket lines with materials



Rally Map



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Website Design
Website designed and maintained by John Stevenson (Communications Officer)
© UNISON City of Edinburgh Local Government & Related Sectors Branch 1998-2008.
All original graphics copyright but may be used if credited in source code.



UNISON Scotland Pensions Pages

Scottish Local Government Pensions Bulletin 9 January 2008 (pdf)

Heads of Agreement New Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) (pdf)

New Heads of Agreement New Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Powerpoint presentation

Pensions Briefing November 2007 (pdf)