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Nursery Nurses Campaign


1 March 2004 - To all workplaces

Our Nursery Nurse colleagues started all-out indefinite strike action on 1 March to try to bring a resolution to their three year battle for fair pay.

They have shown immense solidarity from day one but there is no doubt that the indefinite strike will hit them hard - and they will need the support of all their UNISON colleagues.

Nursery Nurse pay is low enough and few will be able to manage without their wages and on basic union strike pay. That is why we all have to help top that up and make sure they are not starved back to work.

So, we are asking workplaces to 'Adopt a Nursery Nurse'. There are more workplaces than Nursery Nurses so we should be able to make a difference.

What you should do:

  • Have weekly collections in your workplace and forward them to UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch 23 George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EN (Cheques made payable to UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch).

  • Invite a Nursery Nurse to a workplace meeting - hear all the issues first hand

  • Visit any Nursery Nurse picket line close to you
  • Speak to your local councillor, Write to your MSP

  • Write letters of support to the press

  • Click here to send a message of support to Edinburgh's Nursery Nurses

This is not just the Nursery Nurses fight - it is a fight for ALL UNISON members. Let's show everyone our strength by standing together and digging deep for the Nursery Nurses.




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Website designed and maintained by John Stevenson (Communications Officer)
© UNISON City of Edinburgh Local Government & Related Sectors Branch 1998-2008.
All original graphics copyright but may be used if credited in source code.




Click here to send a message of support to Edinburgh's Nursery Nurses