During the past twelve months we have provided training
for nearly 100 stewards on a myriad of issues ranging from Handling
Grievances and Disciplines to Changes in Employment Law.
The role of Education Officer has become more important due
to legal changes affecting the representation of members. All
Shop Stewards now have to undergo basic training on disciplines
and grievances before they can represent members.
This may sound daunting for new stewards but the changes will
provide an improved service to members as the training will
have to be provided at the initial stage of stewardship rather
than past practice whereby it was carried out as and when a
steward could find time to attend courses.
The other advantage is that the employer does not have any
discretion in allowing time off.
The other great difference is many of the courses can be recognised
as entry qualifications for formal education.
If you are working with a Shop Steward please support them
in their training. It may mean you have to cover for them on
occasions but you will benefit in the future from a more knowledgeable
and skilled Shop Steward.
The Branch had to cancel its own induction course due to lack
of interest but will attempt to run another one early in the
year. Please encourage your Shop Steward to attend.
A major initiative in the next year will be our participation
in Lifelong Learning which is a mechanism to encourage members
to take up education opportunities.
My thanks go to Nicky from the branch Office for her assistance
in administering the course applications throughout the year.
Education Officer