Pensions campaign latest - Click on pensions briefing on the right for more details about members meetings on
15 October 5pm - 7pm European Rooom
29 October 6pm - 8pm Business Centre
both in City Chanbers, High Street Edinburgh EH1 1YJ
UNISON is recommending you accept the new pension scheme
October 2013
7 October 2013: Scottish Pensions Bulletin No 39 - October 2013 
LGPS Ballot opens 16 october; Recruit a friend (see leaflet below).
Scottish LGPS - Pension ballot letter Oct 2013 (pdf) 
Scottish LGPS - Recruit a Friend leaflet Oct 2013 (pdf) 
Scottish LGPS 2015 - FINAL Summary of Heads of Agreement
September 2013
6 September 2013: Local government pensions delegate meeting in Glasgow
Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme (SLOGPAG) talks and Heads of Agreement
Conference documents:
LGPS 2015 - draft Summary of Heads of Agreement
LGPS 2015 - delegate meeting powerpoint slides on Heads of Agreement (pdf) 
August 2013
8 August 2013: Scottish Pensions Bulletin No 38 - August 2013
Update on Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme (SLOGPAG) talks: Core benefit of new scheme - accrual rate; other benefits; member contributions; scheme governance; next steps.
7 August 2013: Local government pensions delegate meeting in Glasgow
To consider Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme (SLOGPAG) talks
Conference documents:
LGPS 2015 - briefing on scheme proposals
LGPS 2015 - proposals for governance 
LGPS 2015 - delegate meeting slides (powerpoint)
June 2013: Scottish Pensions Bulletin No 37 - June 2013
LGPS Negotiations Update 2
Progress in second stage of Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme (SLOGPAG) talks.
March 2013: Scottish Pensions Bulletin No 36 - March 2013
LGPS Negotiations Update
The main change is that the new scheme must be a defined benefit ‘career average’ (CARE) scheme as final salary schemes will be unlawful.
7 Feb 2013: Scottish
pensions Bulletin No 35 - Feb 2013 
Framework for LGPS Negotiations
Should the UK Public Service Pensions Bill be passed as currently drafted, the current Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) will close in April 2015 and a new scheme negotiated. This will be heavily prescribed by the provisions of the Public Service Pensions Bill. This bulletin covers:
- Career Average (CARE) scheme
- Retirement age
- Cost sharing
- Other issues of scheme
- Next steps
- Governance
November 2012: Scottish
pensions Bulletin No 34 - Nov 2012
- Pensions Bill statement in Scottish Parliament
- Scottish Local Government Pensions schemes
November 2012: Public Service Pensions Bill - email campaign
Contact your MP and MSPs direct by email now - click here - to lobby for amendments to the Bill which will will leave Scottish public service pension schemes free to design a scheme that meets Scottish requirements.
November 2012: Scottish
pensions Bulletin No 33 - Nov 2012
- Public Service Pensions Bill
- Pensions Bill Lobby
- Model letters to MPs and MSPs
October 2012: Scottish
pensions Bulletin No 32 - Oct 2012
- UK Public Service Pensions Bill
- Pensions Champions Meeting Glasgow 31 October
- Scottish Local Government Pensions Advisory Group (SLOGPAG)
- Data Protection
July 2012: Scottish
pensions Bulletin No 31 - July 2012
- Scottish Government challenges Treasury on pension reform
- NHS - Scottish negotiations continuing
- Local Government
- LGPS scheme in Scotland
- New English LGPS
- Contribution bands
- Police and Fire staff
- Pensions Auto-Enrolment
15 March 2012: Scottish
pensions Bulletin No 30 - March 2012
- NHS Pensions dispute
- Local government pensions
- Contracting out rebates fall from April
- Watch out for dodgy deals on pensions
- Retirement age
13 March 2012:
Reports and pictures from new round of action
by NHS Scotland workers
January 2012: Scottish pensions Bulletin
No 29 - January 2012
Pensions - next stage in Scotland
Local government
STUC Pensions Justice campaign
Industrial action
10 January 2012: Pensions
negotiations - update from UK summit
UNISON members give green light to pensions
negotiations - see
UK news release
UNISON activists have voted to give the union
s negotiators the green light to continue discussions
with government ministers on changes to public
sector pensions.
Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary said:
We will continue to campaign to secure the
best possible deal, which our members will then
be consulted on. Should negotiations fail, our
industrial action ballot, which remains live,
gives us the option to take more strike action.
Convener calls for 'distinct Scottish solution'
see UNISON Scotland press release
UNISON Scottish Convener Lillian Macer said:
"As the Scottish Government has the responsibility
to address these issues in Scotland we call
upon Scottish Ministers to explore a distinct
Scottish solution for the public service workforce."
March and Rally 30
November Strike Day. 11.30, Johnston Terrace,
marching to Scottish Parliament Click
here for more rally details across Scotland
turnout: What's good for the Lib Dem goose...
(5/11/11 on the unofficial UNISONActive
members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of
strike action to protect their pensions. Click
here for details
More questions answered
Will a one-day strike save our pensions?
The one day strike is a start. General Secretary
Dave Prentis has been clear that it will take
more than that but it will be a carefully planned
strategy. The one day is an essential kick-off
to this.
The key element is that a yes vote will give
our negotiators more strength. The Government
so far has not been taking talks seriously.
A Yes Vote would mean:
- We send a powerful message to government
- We show solidarity with all public sector
unions balloting or preparing for industrial
action on November 30th
- We give negotiators new strength to support
our demands
Is there a ready-reckoner to see how much
I'll lose out of my pension?
It is difficult to show calculations for pension
because people's situations vary. But some figures
are clear....
Less benefits due to RPI to CPI move:
Because of the change from RPI to CPI, the average
public service pensioner loses £117 a
year and that is cumulative. Even Lord Hutton
conceded there would be a 15% loss in benefits.
Career Average instead of Final Salary:
Plans to move to a 'career average' pension
instead of final salary could see a huge drop
in your pension. That involves:
- Step 1 - Earn % of salary as pension for
each year you work
- Step 2 Then re-valued every year until
you retire by a specified Index Hutton recommended
average wages
- Step 3 Add up all the re-valued pots
at retirement and this is your final pensionable
pay that is used to calculate your pension.
To get roughly equal to what people get now,
the pension would have to accrue at about 1/55th
of salary. Currently the Scottish scheme accrues
at 1/60th. The government plans suggest somewhere
beteween 1/65th of salary to 1/100th meaning
much less in retirement while paying much more.
Work longer, pay more and get less!
Pension age increases on top mean you'll pay
more, work longer and get less!
Plus: If you are in the groups
facing the 3% rise in contributions on the average
6% people pay, it actually means 50%. If you
currently pay £100 a month, you would
have to stump up another £50 - and that
will not even go into the pension fund, it will
go straight to the government! (This does not
apply at this stage to Local Government in Scotland)