
UNISON Submission to Edinburgh Finance and Resources Committee

The branch had a deputation along with Unite at today’s Council committee that was looking at the reorganisation and cuts

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UNISON slams Edinburgh 1200 job cuts dressed up as reorganisation

UNISON has reacted angrily to Edinburgh Council’s announcement of 1,200 job cuts over four years. The union has slammed the

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UNISON’s initial response to City of Edinburgh draft budget

Having given the proposals contained within the City of Edinburgh’s draft budget for 2015/16 careful consideration and consulted upon them,

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You are the people who stand up for Edinburgh’s services – New Year message from branch president

This year was dominated by the independence referendum, pay, and the continuing savage cuts to local government. UNISON City of

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Bhopal commemoration 3 December Greyfriars

A commemoration of the world’s worst industrial disaster will be held on Wednesday 3 December at Greyfriars Kirkyard Memorial 5.45pm for 6.00pm. All

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