Tag: coronavirus

UNISON calls for government help as Edinburgh council faces hundreds of job losses due to Covid and funding crisis
Edinburgh UNISON, the union representing most Edinburgh council workers, fears that hundreds of jobs could go over the coming months ...

Safe Work after Lockdown
The attached pdf contains important information about the safe return to work after lockdown and information for those who continue ...

Edinburgh UNISON supports furloughed staff and says City Council needs long term investment
As the City of Edinburgh Council announces 500 staff will go on furlough, UNISON has stepped up to ensure they ...

Help defeat COVID19 by becoming a health and safety rep
CORONAVIRUS Education staff: Why not think about becoming a health and safety rep. in your school? Never have they been ...
Fighting together today for a better future tomorrow
Just as we fight to protect you today we pledge to build a better tomorrow for you and the communities ...

New way for members to get legal help
During the COVID-19 crisis, UNISON has changed its processes to make it easier for members to get legal support at ...

UNISON charity launches COVID-19 response fund to help members
There for You is UNISON’s unique charity, set up to help members in difficulties – and this year, the COVID-19 ...

UNISON launches campaign for ‘heroic’ local government workers
UNISON has launched a campaign today for local government workers who are delivering vital services during COVID-19 crisis. They are ...

COVID Safety – Members Leaflet
This short document informs you how to gather the information required to expose, question and, where necessary, challenge unsafe work ...

28 April minute’s silence to honour all workers who have died from coronavirus
UNISON and other unions are asking you to join us on Tue 28 April at 11am for a minute's silence ...