Tag: Cuts

“Warm hand of support” for Cllr Gordon Munro’s stand against cuts
Following the news that Cllr Gordon Munro’s has been suspended for three months from his party’s group at Edinburgh council ...
Watch and share our campaign video: Plug the £1bn council funding gap
UNISON’s campaign is calling for: Securing the long term financial stability of local government: calling for further investment in local government ...

UNISON calls for government help as Edinburgh council faces hundreds of job losses due to Covid and funding crisis
Edinburgh UNISON, the union representing most Edinburgh council workers, fears that hundreds of jobs could go over the coming months ...

UNISON calls on Scottish Government to pass on £155m in full to councils
UNISON has today (Thursday) written to Finance Secretary Kate Forbes to seek assurances that £155m emergency funding designated for Scottish ...

UNISON budget submission: Silent slaughter of services must stop
Branch secretary Tom Connolly made the following submission to the City of Edinburgh Council budget meeting today. The trade unions ...

UNISON says ‘enough is enough’ as Edinburgh faces another year of cuts
UNISON, the biggest union in Edinburgh Council, will join Edinburgh Trades Union Council and community groups to lobby the council ...

UNISON News February 2019: Cuts Special Edition
Your UNISON News February 2019 issue is now available online Council crisis deepens as 1000 jobs could go Council Budget ...

Budget lobby 09.00 Thursday 22 Feb, City Chambers
Lobby against the silent slaughter of council services. Despite the spin, the truth is that council services are being cut again ...

Budget: Scottish government can’t escape blame for cuts
As Edinburgh council announces budget plans, UNISON, the largest union in the council, is warning that the effect of year ...

Councillors must protect services and redress pay cuts
UNISON deputation to Edinburgh Council Finance and Resources Committee on Thursday 08/02/18, led by branch secretary Tom Connolly. Impact of ...