#citynotforsale Lobby of council 24 Nov 0830. Up for change. Last big push against environment privatisation. New leaflet online.
People in Edinburgh don’t want privatisation. Even the Council’s own pollsters, MORI, found that. Yet Council managers press on with their privatisation plans.
Edinburgh’s bin collectors, street cleaners and grounds maintenance workers have backed a programme to save citizens more than £40 million over seven years.
And if you compare like with like on recycling, pensions and jobs, the inhouse option could save over £20 million more than the private bid.
The plan will mean a cleaner city with better recycling. It will make Edinburgh a greener place. Most of all, it will keep your services owned by you and accountable to you.
It hasn’t been easy. Hard decisions have had to be made. The long running dispute has been settled and staff have demanded a new culture of respect and openness.
This all because staff are committed to public service rather than private profit.