How to become active in UNISON

Our animated film charts how a public service worker can develop and progress as a trade union activist within UNISON ...
Hilda Miller 100 years old!

Hilda Miller 100 years old!

Hilda Miller at the grand old age of 100 years has been a long-standing UNISON member and a very active ...
LGBT+ Pride March, Edinburgh 2024

LGBT+ Pride March, Edinburgh 2024

On Saturday 22th June, a small but merry band of UNISON members marched with banners, flags and t-shirts specially printed ...
UNISON to hold 10-year political fund ballot

UNISON to hold 10-year political fund ballot

Ballot papers will be going out to all 1.3 million members from 15 July asking whether or not UNISON should ...
Local Government Pay - Strike Ballot: Waste & Cleansing

Local Government Pay – Strike Ballot: Waste & Cleansing

Get ready to have your voice heard Local government workers like those working in waste, recycling and street cleaning services ...
UNISON passes motion to recognise Palestine as a state

UNISON passes motion to recognise Palestine as a state

Impassioned debate on Palestine sees delegates pass a substantive motion The third day of UNISON’s national delegate conference, chaired by ...
Local government workers vote overwhelmingly to reject pay offer

Local government workers vote overwhelmingly to reject pay offer

Council and school workers in Scotland belonging to UNISON have voted overwhelmingly to reject a pay offer from local government ...
Fair Pay for All: Waste & Recycling to be Balloted for Strike Action

Fair Pay for All: Waste & Recycling to be Balloted for Strike Action

We're at a pivotal moment in our campaign for fair pay, and your support is absolutely crucial. Today, we've taken ...
Grenfell Tower Memorial 2024

Grenfell Tower Memorial 2024

Edinburgh Trades Union Council will hold their 7th memorial rally and silent vigil remembering the 72 victims of the Grenfell ...
First Minister and unions roundtable

First Minister and unions roundtable

UNISON Scotland’s regional manager Kay Sillars, with other unions, met John Swinney in the Scottish parliament to discuss pay. Commenting ...