Tram video

See the new trams fiasco privatisation video

See the new video with UNISON's own tram mock-up - keeping up our campaign against Edinburgh's £1billion privatisation plans on ...
Hustings poster

Lively hustings demands consultation on privatisation

The public attending a lively hustings for candidates in the Edinburgh Central Ward by election to be held on Thursday ...
Hustings poster

Edinburgh citizens to get ‘long overdue’ chance to quiz politicians on privatisation. Hustings 15 August

Edinburgh citizens will get a 'long overdue' chance to quiz politicians about the council's privatisation plans at a public meeting ...
Website still down

Website still down

The branch website is still down at 09.30 Mon 8 August. Our hosting company is aware and is dealing with ...

‘Big Society’ acts against Edinburgh privatisation says blog

The real ‘big society’ has taken hold in Edinburgh as citizens take things into their own hands by organising public ...
City Not For Sale


UNISON Members: Click here to help | Public: Click here to help us ****** SIGN OUR ONLINE PETITION ****** Update ...
Keep Edinburgh Public

City Not For Sale events updates….

Edinburgh Council's privatisation plans are clearly under pressure. The Council look as though they will be forced to delay making ...
Edinburgh privatisation 'worse than the trams' say unions as communities take action

Edinburgh privatisation ‘worse than the trams’ say unions as communities take action

Unions have warned that the fall-out from Edinburgh council's £1billion privatisation plans could be 'worse than the trams', as citizens ...
We're Moving!

We’re Moving!

The Branch is moving to a new office on 26 August 2011 at10 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh EH1 1LT New Phone: ...
UN July 2011

Our City’s Not For Sale July 2011

What's Happening? Edinburgh City Council is set to implement the largest privatisation of council services in Scottish History. In what ...