Stewards will be holding meeting to consult members on the Employers' imposition of 0.65% this year with a pay freeze ...
UN September 2010


As Connaught's administrators try to get services brought back in house, questions are asked about the firm's accountancy methods. This ...
UN Septemnber 2010

UNISON News September 2010

DEBT-RIDDEN PRICE-FIXING. COLLAPSE! Failed Contractor Passed ABM Finance Check. For years Connaught has been one of the largest private contractors - fixing prices ...
Leaflet September 2010

City’s not for sale September 2010

There is a Better Way... Speak up for your services Stop privatisation. Myths about the ‘crisis’. Five reasons to defend ...
City Not For Sale

Selling Edinburgh off will come at great cost to us all

Letter in Evening News 29/7/10 In an otherwise enlightening article on council funding and privatisation (Counting the cost of public ...
Leaflet July 2010

City’s not for sale July 2010

Stop them privatising Edinburgh’s services. KEEP EDINBURGH PUBLIC! As the City of Edinburgh Council charges headlong into privatisation of vital local ...
City Not For Sale

“You cannot hide from the responsibility for the disaster privatisation will bring”

Branch Officers told councillors on 24 June that they 'cannot hide from the responsibility for the disaster privatisation will bring', ...
UN May 2010

UNISON News May 2010

Modernising Pay: Council launches push to get you to sign ‘voluntarily’. DON’T SIGN FIRST TIME! Managers: Be careful you do not ...

Mayday: When are the politicians going to learn to respect public service workers?

UNISON Edinburgh joined the annual May Day rally to take forward our 'City's Not For Sale' campaign on 1 May ...