Contacts for departmental conveners, stewards and branch officers
Branch Office 0131 558 7488 (option 2)- UNISON Direct 0845 355 0845
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Associated Bodies: Convener: Vacant
Corporate Services: Convenor: Mike Smith, Vice Convener, Hugh Menzies
Stewards: Ian Ludlam, Hugh Menzies, Don Naismith, Graeme Nisbet, Mike Smith
Edinburgh Leisure: Convener: Vacant
Stewards: Geoffrey Hajcman & Jack Bell
Education & Children’s Services: Convener: Pauline Henderson, contact via Branch Office 0131 558 7488 (option2)
Stewards: Lorraine Anderson, Katrina Baird, Robert Courtney, Diana Fakhoury, Amy Ferguson, Pauline Henderson, Greta Kaceviciute, Mark Laidlaw, Lesley McArthur, Gillian McFadzean, Yvonne McGregor, Andrew McLaughlin, Robin Munro, Graham Neal, Leigh Petty, Hayley Rankin, Sabela Rivs-Vazquez, Lynne Robertson, Samantha Rowan, Joanna Russell, Dalwinder Singh, Jacques Swartz & Sarah Wilson
Health & Social Care: Convener: Vacant
Stewards: Eric Dickson & Colin Sutherland
Place: Convenor: Kyle Bellamy, contact via branch office 0131 558 7488 (option 2)
Stewards: Michael Addy, Kyle Bellamy, George Burnett, Ginger Cutt, Tom Howorth, Allan King, Harry Lawrie, John McCafferty, Lynn McLaughlan, Ian Mullen, Stuart Russell, Willie Wilson
Valuation Joint Board: Convener: Gary Miller, Vice-Convener: Susan Grierson
Stewards: Fiona Irving, Susan Grierson, Gary Miller
Voluntary Sector: Amanda Kerr, CVS Caseworker Contact Branch Office via 0131 558 7488 (option2)
Stewards: Catherine McMillan, Suzanne Quinan, (Canongate Youth), Lynette O’Leary, Will Tuladhar-Douglas (COSLA), Helen Findlay, Margaret Henderson (ELCAP), Martine Sandison & Katie Thompson (Garvald), Obinna Ibeneme (Living Ambitions), Nkemdlim Favour Davidking (Richmond Fellowship), Sandra Bendall (SACRO)
Branch Officers (click here for roles)
Chair: Ian Ludlam
Vice Chair(1): vacant
Vice Chairs (2): vacant
Treasurer: vacant
Secretary: David Harrold
Assistant Secretary: vacant
Service Conditions:
Convener: Kyle Bellamy
Officers: Katrina Baird, Allan King, Pauline Henderson & Ian Mullen
Equalities: Mark Laidlaw
Health & Safety: Ian Mullen
Communications: vacant
Education: Ian Mullen
Disabled Members Officer: vacant
International: vacant
Welfare: Mike Smith/Pauline Henderson
Recruitment/ Membership Services: vacant
Lifelong Learning Organiser: Graeme Nisbet
Young Members: Tom Martin
Black Members: Isabella Ingibina
Women’s Officer: Lynn McLaughlan
Environment Officer: vacant
LGBT+ Officer: Ian Ludlam
Auditors: vacant
All are contactable via the Branch Office on 0131 558 7488 option 2