News and press releases

News, Resources /

How to become active in UNISON

Our animated film charts how a public service worker can develop and progress as a trade union activist within UNISON ... Read More

UNISON National LGBT+ Conference 2024, Edinburgh

UNISON's LGBT+ Conference 2024 will be held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, The Exchange, Edinburgh, from 1:30pm on Friday ... Read More

Palestine Solidarity Rally – Saturday 29 June 2024

Having attended many Palestinian solidarity demonstrations in Edinburgh and Glasgow over the last nine months, I was delighted to be ... Read More
News, retired members /

Hilda Miller 100 years old!

Hilda Miller at the grand old age of 100 years has been a long-standing UNISON member and a very active ... Read More

Trans+ Pride 2024

On 27 July 2024 is the Trans Pride in London. On the same day far-right Tommy Robinson has called for ... Read More

LGBT+ Pride March, Edinburgh 2024

On Saturday 22th June, a small but merry band of UNISON members marched with banners, flags and t-shirts specially printed ... Read More
News /

UNISON to hold 10-year political fund ballot

Ballot papers will be going out to all 1.3 million members from 15 July asking whether or not UNISON should ... Read More
disabled, equalities, equalities /

Happy Disability Pride Month

Disability Pride Month started in America in 1990 when the 'Americans with Disabilities' act came into power. In Scotland, disabled ... Read More