
RMT, ASLEF and CWU picket line Saturday 1st October 2022

Photos by Ian Mullen

Branch activists joined RMT, ASLEF and CWU comrades on their latest picket line on Saturday 1 October, outside Waverley Station. This was the first jointly organised picket although members of all three unions have supported each other’s previous industrial action. It was great to see such a large turnout of members from other trade unions, campaign groups and politicians in a strong show of support and solidarity.

Photos by Ian Mullen

Mick Hogg, RMT Regional Officer, said that whilst the privatised rail companies make millions of pounds in profit the management are reluctant to invest their money in supporting staff in their struggle for improved pay, conditions and job security. With a new Transport Minister in place, it is hoped that there will be government intervention to resolve the long ongoing dispute.

Gary Clark, CWU branch secretary, said similar to the RMT they were fighting for a substantial pay offer as they had not received a pay increase in two years, whilst the Post Office continue to make millions in profits. CWU have recently released details of the next thirty days of industrial action up to the start of December, involving all sections of the membership. This is a clear message to management that our members will continue to fight for improved pay and conditions.

Ian Mullen, Branch Health & Safety Officer, confirmed our continued support for RMT, ASLEF and CWU in their long running disputes. Reminding comrades that the teacher unions, Fire Brigade Union, and health workers will ballot their members soon and that UNISON members in universities were on strike last week. It is an absolute disgrace that universities continue to make millions in profits, pay vast salaries to their senior managers and invest in building student accommodation whilst refusing to make a decent pay offer to their staff in a time of crisis.

Photos by Ian Mullen

This is an international struggle as trade union members and workers around the world will be fighting for the same rights, decent pay, conditions, and job security, they need to know that we continue to support them in their struggles.

Who would have thought that when I spoke at the last RMT picket it would take Liz Truss, our new undemocratically elected PM, only three weeks to bring this country to its knees financially, with the IMF telling her that her fiscal policies were damaging. All through the Tory leadership campaign they ignored the Cost-of-Living Crisis, increased use of food banks and energy costs, preferring to prioritise their thoughts on a further direct attack on trade unions and their members. That is why all the trade unions, STUC and TUC must campaign for the repeal of the anti-trade union laws.