Anti Racism Events featured

Stand Up to Racism – 7 September 2024

On the 7th of September, Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) in Scotland is mobilising against a fascist demonstration in Glasgow. Edinburgh activists will be travelling through in by train, and we want to get as many anti-racist activists to this demo for as as possible!

It is really important that we travel together to stay safe as we know that there will be racists and fascists travelling to the demo. We are the many they are the few and we will stay safe by being together ✊

We will be taking the train at 10.15 from Waverly Station. We will all meet up at 9.50 outside Boots in the station to get the train together.

Please register details by following the link below to travel together (you will not be able to open on CEC browers). We are not booking travel for everyone and you will need to buy your own train ticket,  this registration is to keep us all together and safe

Ian Ludlam UNISON Shop Steward / UNISON LGBT+ Officer