Welfare – There for you

There for youHelp for members when they need it
UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch is one of the very few branches that has its own Welfare Fund (a registered charity) which supplements UNISON UK Welfare ‘There For You’ when helping members who have a particular need. See also the UNISON Scotland ‘There for You’ pages.

This can be in the form of advocacy but financial help can also be available. The fund is financed by voluntary contributions by members of UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch. You can contribute via a form from the branch office. You can pay in the same way as your union subs are deducted by your employer. For more details, and if you wish to contact our Welfare officers Mike Smith or Pauline Henderson for advice or assistance, call 0131 558 7488 or branchoffice@unison-edinburgh.org.uk