Special Branch Committee for elections and motions
For the first time in the branch’s history, we did not have a quorate AGM after two attempts. A total of 270 people attended the AGM and the recall but not all unfortunately at the same meeting with the result that neither meeting was quorate.
UNISON HQ has now confirmed that the business of the AGM should now fall to the Branch Committee. A Special Branch Committee has now been called for Thursday 23 March at 3pm. Candidates for election who are not members of the Branch Committee will be invited to attend.
UNISON City of Edinburgh
Local Government & Related Sectors Branch
Thursday 2 March 2017 in the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh 6.30pm to 8.30pm at the latest.
The AGM of 9 February was short of the 200 members needed to have a legal AGM. Thanks and apologies to the 120 members who did attend.
We MUST have an AGM if the branch is to be able to represent you this year.
Without an AGM we cannot…

- Elect your officers for 2017
- Approve the financial statement and consider updates on issues like pay, transformation and workloads. Please try to be there on the 2nd.
The papers for 9 February still apply and links are on this page.
For Creche or Carers Allowance, contact 558 7488
UNISON City of Edinburgh
Local Government & Related Sectors Branch
Thursday 9 February 2017 in the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh 6pm to 8pm at the latest.

The AGM calling notice and order of business was emailed to members from 23 January 2017 and can be download here. Members can request a hard copy of the Annual Report and Agenda by emailing: branchoffice@unison-edinburgh.org.uk or phoning 0131 558 7488.
To all members
Dear Colleague
All members are urged to attend the Annual General Meeting of the branch on Thursday 9th February 2017 in the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh. Members can only be admitted to the meeting on production of their current membership card or pay slip showing UNISON deductions and if their name appears on the branch list.
The quorum for a branch meeting is 200. The Chairperson will take a count at 6pm prompt and if the quorum is not met, the meeting cannot proceed. The meeting will conclude at 8pm at the latest so that members using the creche or making care arrangements can plan as necessary.
The agenda includes nominations, motions and rule changes received by the closing date in the preliminary notice. Any amendments will be posted on the website and circulated at the meeting.
Any two members can propose amendments to motions. These must be in writing, signed by the proposer and seconder and arrive at the Branch Office by Noon, Wednesday 1 February 2017. Questions on the Annual Report and Financial Statement must be received by noon on Tuesday 7 February to ensure the information is available for a response.
Creche/ Carers Allowance
Members intending to use the creche should inform the branch office by Noon on Tuesday 31 January. For safety reasons, the creche cannot be made available to members who have not contacted the office. Carers allowance must be arranged in advance with the branch office.
Access/ Signer
There will be a signer at the meeting. The building has wheelchair access. If any member has any special requirements, please contact the branch office as soon as possible so that efforts can be made to provide them.
A good attendance at the Annual General Meeting is essential to the running of the branch. Please make every effort to attend to set your policies and to ensure that the branch can elect its officers and have its structures in place to meet this year’s challenges.
Yours sincerely
Tom Connolly
Assistant Branch Secretary
Must arrive by Noon, Wednesday 11 January 2017
Must arrive by Noon, Friday 13 January 2017
Last date for booking places Noon, Tuesday 31 January 2017
Must be in by Noon, Wednesday 1 February 2017
PRELIMINARY NOTICE: A preliminary notice was sent out to all workplaces from 5 December 2016 (see below)
Calling Notice
5th December 2016
To: All members of UNISON City of Edinburgh Local Government & Related Sectors Branch
The Annual General Meeting of the branch will be held on Thursday 9 February 2017 in the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh
The AGM is the branch’s supreme policy making forum. It will elect the Branch Officers for 2017, set policy on important issues affecting all members and can amend rules.
The notice is being issued now to allow members time to consider and submit nominations and motions and to meet deadlines for the agenda and annual report to be printed and circulated at least seven days before the meeting.
Who can submit them?
any TWO members, or
Stewards Committees or Branch Committee.
How do you submit them?
They MUST be in writing and include:
The names of the two members, their membership numbers and signatures (or signatures of Convener and Secretary if from a Shop Stewards Committee).
To ensure time is not wasted, motions must be deemed competent and relevant by the Chair before going on the agenda.
The same conditions apply with the addition that the candidate’s name, workplace and membership number must be included.
Nominations, motions or rule changes MUST arrive at the branch office by the deadline on this calling notice (see above).
This is a very important meeting. Please make every effort to participate. If anyone needs assistance or advice about submitting issues to the meeting, please feel free to contact the Branch Office.
Yours sincerely
Tom Connolly
Assistant Branch Secretary