Events International

Branch affiliates to Ukraine Solidarity Campaign Scotland

At its October Branch Committee meeting, your branch affiliated to the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign Scotland (USCS), following the affiliation of UNISON Scotland to the campaign.

Kyle Bellamy, speaking at the United for Ukraine Rally in Edinburgh

USCS ( supports the Ukrainian people’s unconditional right to defend their independence in the face of Russian aggression and campaigns in the interests of Ukrainian people, whether part of the refugee community in Scotland or those remaining in Ukraine. Members can join the campaign as individuals by following the link.

Trade unions have a proud tradition of supporting struggles internationally and the branch is also affiliated to the Palestine and Cuba Solidarity Campaigns.

While the fundamental justice of Ukraine’s fight for national survival is reason enough to affiliate to this campaign, the branch also recognises that many of our members work with the Ukrainian community in Edinburgh and have done so since the UK opened its doors to refugees at the start of the conflict.  Furthermore, the Ukrainian refugee community has entered Edinburgh’s workforce, including in the City of Edinburgh Council, and it is important that the largest trade union in the Council supports them.

Immediately following the Russian invasion, the branch voted to donate £500 split between Ukrainian trade unions and the Red Cross.  While this may be a comparatively small amount of money, it forms part of a larger total donated by trade unions across Europe and worldwide to the Ukrainian people, which includes monetary donations and essential medical supplies.

Members of the branch have previously participated in Scotland’s Voice for Ukraine March and branch officer, Kyle Bellamy was asked to speak on behalf of UNISON earlier this year at the United for Ukraine Rally in Edinburgh in February (event pictured).