Edinburgh services face meltdown as UNISON fears over 3,000 job losses and privatisation

Edinburgh services face meltdown as UNISON fears over 3,000 job losses and privatisation

UNISON fears that over 3,000 jobs - one in every six Edinburgh council staff and three times as many jobs ...
UN September 2015

UNISON News September 2015

COUNCIL MELTDOWN PREDICTED FROM CUTS AND ‘TRANSFORMATION’ Services to be slashed as 3,000 jobs set to go Where the cuts ...
UNISON says ‘Our City’s still Not For Sale’ as Edinburgh privatisation looms again

UNISON says ‘Our City’s still Not For Sale’ as Edinburgh privatisation looms again

In 2012, Labour, SNP and Green councillors combined to stop the wasteful privatisation of Edinburgh Council services after UNISON and ...
Voluntary Severance Edinburgh Council - Info for members

Voluntary Severance Edinburgh Council – Info for members

As you will be aware the City of Edinburgh Council is looking to replace the current Voluntary Release (VR) Terms ...
Council Transformation - Be champions of services not cuts

Council Transformation – Be champions of services not cuts

Statement on Edinburgh 'Transformation' by Amanda Kerr UNISON Branch Secretary.UNISON has major concerns about this report to council. With so ...
Time for government to stop starving councils

Time for government to stop starving councils

UNISON warns Edinburgh councillors to be sure what they are signing up toUNISON is urging City of Edinburgh councillors meeting ...
UN June 2015

UNISON News June 2015

Cleaning and facilities management review ...
UN March 2015

Edinburgh cleaning in crisis

There is currently a crisis in Facilities Management and in particular, the cleaning service. Staff who leave or who are ...
Amanda Kerr

Please do the survey

You may have recently received a letter from UNISON inviting you to take part in a survey about how you ...
UNISON welcomes decision in Edinburgh social work contempt of court case

UNISON welcomes decision in Edinburgh social work contempt of court case

UNISON Scotland today welcomed the decision by the Court of Session that the conduct of social workers in Edinburgh City ...