Thanks for attending the AGM

Thanks for attending the AGM

Many thanks for attending the recall AGM on 12 March, especially in such awful weather. The branch can now step ...
Recall AGM 12 March

Recall AGM 12 March

The AGM on 26 February was short of the 200 members needed to. Thanks and apologies to the 168 members who ...
UNISON website blocked on council system

UNISON website blocked on council system

It appears a fault with the Edinburgh Council IT system is currently blocking the UNISON Edinburgh website. For updates in ...
Victory for part time staff unsocial hours payments

Victory for part time staff unsocial hours payments

After months of pressure from UNISON, the Council has agreed that part time employees can now claim unsocial hours payments ...
Freespace staff vote for UNISON recognition

Freespace staff vote for UNISON recognition

Staff at Freespace Scotland have voted resoundingly for union recognition in the workforce of 137. Only three people voted against ...
AGM supplementary agenda now online

AGM supplementary agenda now online

Branch AGM Thursday 26 Feb 18.00. Supplementary Agenda now online with election candidates' biographical details and amendments. The AGM will ...
UN February 2015

Cleaning staff don’t sign your rights away

Some Edinburgh Council cleaning staff will have recently been approached by their line manager asking them to reduce their hours or take voluntary early ...
UN February 2015

UNISON News February 2015

Reject SACRO plans to increase working week Whilst acknowledging that these are difficult times for many employers due to the ...
UN January 2015

UNISON News January 2015 Edinburgh College

Job evaluation: What’s happening? UNISON's aim is to negotiate with the employer to deliver a Job Evaluation Scheme which is ...
UNISON’s initial response to City of Edinburgh draft budget

UNISON’s initial response to City of Edinburgh draft budget

Having given the proposals contained within the City of Edinburgh’s draft budget for 2015/16 careful consideration and consulted upon them, ...