City Not For Sale

Give us a say in moves to outsource vital services

Give us a say in moves to outsource vital services - Evening News story 7 July 2011. Read more at: ...
UNISON Scotland: We are frontline NHS events 5 June

UNISON Scotland: We are frontline NHS events 5 June

UNISON Scotland: We are frontline NHS events 5 June: "A new video has been launched publicising events at hospitals across ...

UNISON exposes Edinburgh privatisation stitch-up says blog

A packed public consultation organised by UNISON last night (27 June) heard calls for Edinburgh's Lib Dem/ SNP council to ...
Edinburgh must delay privatisation decision until public have their say

Edinburgh must delay privatisation decision until public have their say

A packed public consultation organised by UNISON last night (27 June) heard calls for Edinburgh's Lib Dem/ SNP council to ...
They are not your services to sell, UNISON Edinburgh tells politicians

They are not your services to sell, UNISON Edinburgh tells politicians

#uNDC11 Local public services are best provided by locally accountable local authorities and public bodies. This was reaffirmed by delegates ...
City's Not For Sale video

New video for Our City’s Not For Sale campaign

Check out this new video urging Edinburgh citizens to oppose privatisation and come to our public consultation on 27 June.... ...
ABM flyer

Privatisation public consultation 27 June 6pm Augustine Church

The City of Edinburgh Council is considering bids for the privatisation of large swathes of local council services. The largest ...
UNISON News June 2011

UNISON News June 2011

Covering privatisation, pensions, appeals, new social work guide and March 26 rally report, look out for your June UNISONNews or ...
UNISON flags

Pressure mounts as council drives to privatisation

The campaign against privatisation is stepping up as the Council faces critical decisions in the coming weeks. A report this ...
City Not For Sale

5.5m of taxpayers money wasted on consultants

See Evening News story here John Stevenson: "This is a council that has already spent 6m on consultants so, in ...