Cuts threaten safer housing for private tenants – and will lose council money, says UNISON

Cuts threaten safer housing for private tenants – and will lose council money, says UNISON

UNISON’s Edinburgh branch is warning that cuts to the council’s Private Rented Service Team could threaten safer housing for private ...
UNISON statement on Edinburgh schools closures

UNISON statement on Edinburgh schools closures

UNISON is deeply concerned about the safety implication for pupils and staff of the faults found in PPP schools in ...
Press Release

The silent slaughter of local government has to stop

Joint Trade Unions Staff Side Secretary 2016/2017 City of Edinburgh Council Budget Response    As we face yet another year of ...
UNISON lobby against ‘silent slaughter’ of council services

UNISON lobby against ‘silent slaughter’ of council services

Edinburgh UNISON will lobby the City of Edinburgh Council budget meeting on Thursday 21 January 2016 from 08.45-9.45 against 2,000 ...
Ethical care charter

Council makes UNISON Ethical Care Charter pledge

The council has signed up to a pledge saying: "The City of Edinburgh Council endorses the principles of the UNISON ...
Twin demos on 29 Oct in Edinburgh and Glasgow against cuts

Twin demos on 29 Oct in Edinburgh and Glasgow against cuts

Trade Unions including UNISON, community groups and anti-cuts organisations are gearing up for twin demonstrations in Edinburgh and Glasgow on ...
Edinburgh services face meltdown as UNISON fears over 3,000 job losses and privatisation

Edinburgh services face meltdown as UNISON fears over 3,000 job losses and privatisation

UNISON fears that over 3,000 jobs - one in every six Edinburgh council staff and three times as many jobs ...
UNISON welcomes decision in Edinburgh social work contempt of court case

UNISON welcomes decision in Edinburgh social work contempt of court case

UNISON Scotland today welcomed the decision by the Court of Session that the conduct of social workers in Edinburgh City ...
City Not For Sale


UNISON has condemned Edinburgh council for gambling with jobs and services as it sets out plans today to sell off ...
Hustings poster

Edinburgh citizens to get ‘long overdue’ chance to quiz politicians on privatisation. Hustings 15 August

Edinburgh citizens will get a 'long overdue' chance to quiz politicians about the council's privatisation plans at a public meeting ...