UNISON LGBT+ Members Group

UNISON LGBT+ Members Group

UNISON LGBT+ Members Group Invite to all Bi+ staff and members UNISON LGBT+ members Group will be celebrating Bi-Visibility week ...
Bisexuality Visibility Day 23rd September

Bisexuality Visibility Day 23rd September

Bisexuality Visibility Day is celebrated on the 23rd of September every year in recognition of the adversities and prejudices that many ...
An urgent plea to all female and female identifying members

An urgent plea to all female and female identifying members

There are still places available for female / female identifying LBGT+ members to be a delegate at the UNISON NATIONAL LGBT+ ...
UNISON's LGBT+ Conference 2024

UNISON’s LGBT+ Conference 2024

UNISON's LGBT+ Conference 2024 will be held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre from 1:30pm on Friday 8th November to 1:20pm ...
Northeast locality office recruitment stall

Northeast locality office recruitment stall

Huge thanks to our members and colleagues at the Northeast locality office in Niddrie who took time out from their ...
UNISON National LGBT+ Conference 2024, Edinburgh

UNISON National LGBT+ Conference 2024, Edinburgh

UNISON's LGBT+ Conference 2024 will be held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, The Exchange, Edinburgh, from 1:30pm on Friday ...
Trans+ Pride 2024

Trans+ Pride 2024

On 27 July 2024 is the Trans Pride in London. On the same day far-right Tommy Robinson has called for ...
LGBT+ Pride March, Edinburgh 2024

LGBT+ Pride March, Edinburgh 2024

On Saturday 22th June, a small but merry band of UNISON members marched with banners, flags and t-shirts specially printed ...
Your Pride Needs You

Your Pride Needs You

SATURDAY 22 JUNE 2024 11:00 - 12:00 Meet up for coffee & cake at Origin Coffee House - 6-8 South College ...
Join the Movement for Equality and Love and March with Pride with UNISON colleagues and friends at Pride Edinburgh 2024

Join the Movement for Equality and Love and March with Pride with UNISON colleagues and friends at Pride Edinburgh 2024

On Saturday 22nd June 2022, Pride Edinburgh takes place in the heart of the capital for an inclusive and fun celebration ...