
City’s not for sale July 2010

Leaflet July 2010
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Stop them privatising Edinburgh’s services.

KEEP EDINBURGH PUBLIC! As the City of Edinburgh Council charges headlong into privatisation of vital local services, we are asking the people of Edinburgh to join us in fighting for Edinburgh’s services and Edinburgh’s jobs.
Our members, after years of delivering efficiencies, are determined to show that they can and will deliver the best services for Scotland’s capital.
But despite staff winning a Government Business award for saving money and a host of other awards, they are not being given the chance.

Write or email to your councillor asking them if they can justify their figures. Do they even know the figures? l Tell them you want to hold them directly accountable for Edinburgh’s services, not through private companies. Even the Lib Dem’s own manifesto said, “Arms length companies are not as open or accountable as local councils” l Tell them you don’t want Edinburgh’s jobs and services sold off to the lowest bidder. Once services are in the hands of big companies, everyone’s ability to call them to account reduces.