equalities Events News Year of LGBT+ worker

LGBT+ Pride March, Edinburgh 2024

On Saturday 22th June, a small but merry band of UNISON members marched with banners, flags and t-shirts specially printed to celebrate 2024 as UNISON’s Year of the LGBT+ Worker


After meeting for (a very nice) morning coffee and some pastries at Origin Coffee we got make-up-ed and rigged-up in our newly minted t-shirts. Then with some moral support from the land lady of the Captain’s Bar next door we set off for Parliament at noon. We managed to check in with colleagues from UNISON Public Health Scotland and UNISON Scottish Ambulance Service but unfortunately UNISON NHS Scotland were delayed on their return from National Conference and could not join us.


Following another hugely successful march and a packed out festival, I was able to join some UNISON colleagues giving out advice and freebies at the stalls in McEwan Hall where the was a lot of interest from existing and potential members young and old.

Glasgow 2024
Glasgow Pride takes place on Saturday 20 July 2024 and UNISON – Glasgow City Branch have extended an invitation to join them. The Glasgow Branch office will be open for “Pees & Teas” in the morning before the march and later in the afternoon for anyone who wants to leave their bags, etc in a safe place. Get in touch with Ian if you are interested in coming along.

Ian Ludlam
LGBT+ officer