The branch Recall Annual General Meeting will be held across three aggregate meetings, members can attend any one. The details are as follows:
- Tuesday 22nd March 12:30pm till 1:30pm via MS Teams
- Thursday 24th March 12:30pm till 1:30pm via MS Teams
- Wednesday 30th March 6:30pm – 8pm, Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh
As we face further budget cuts across services, threats to jobs and services remain and we need to be organised to resist these. Your voice, experiences and engagement are vital to this.
The cost of living is having a massive impact on working people, as we see the rise in food, fuel, electricity, and gas. Many members are facing having to make choices such as eat or heat, this is simply unacceptable.
We need to be demanding above inflation pay increases, but again we will only achieve these demands if we all play our part, working together to take action to protect and improve our pay and all our working conditions.
Attending your Branch AGM enables us all to move forwarded with our demands for decent pay and conditions, and be organised to campaign to protect and safe vital public services.